Sonia's Erotic Stories

Panty Stories, Lingerie Stories, Older-Women/Younger-Men Sex Stories

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Birthday Present From Mom

It was my 15the birthday, and I had just come home late. I had a couple beers at a party, but was otherwise all right. I went home and my mom and her friend, Mrs. White, were over with a cake. They both giggled when they realized how drunk I was. I didn’t’ care, it was funny. But anyways, I ate some cake and humored them for a while. Then my mom went to the bathroom. I was sitting there, and all of a sudden, Mrs. White shows me her ass, asking, “Do you think I have

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Billy and Aunt Karen (part 5)

At the Dentist   Karen had promised his mother that she would see to Billy’s dentist appointment in her absence.  Since Mary also was due for a check-up, she made both of them an appointment for the same day.  Mary could then provide any support he needed.  Karen dropped him off at the dentist’s office and then when off to attend to the matters of the day. Billy was sure he didn’t need any support, but a chance to be with his attractive nineteen year old cousin was worth the trouble. Well, she was due

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Billy and Aunt Karen (part 4)

  Karen on the Recliner As they walked back out of the store, they passed through the furniture department.  An enterprising salesman offered, “Try our recliner, ma’am.  The most comfortable thing around…and they are on sale this week.  Karen paused, and the smiled and started to walk on.  “Oh, go on, Aunt Karen.  Try one out…just for fun.”  Deciding to humor her nephew, she smiled and nodded her head ‘okay’. He quickly re-inventoried what Karen wore — a nice navy blue suit, three plus inch high-heeled pumps, and sheer light brown hose. He was new

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Billy and Aunt Karen (part 3)

  Fashion Conscious Karen It was obvious that Aunt Karen loved fine lingerie, she obviously adored the way that it felt against her body, and he wondered if if she knew how much it could turn on men as well. Karen was an extrovert and she occasionally forgot her natural modesty to discretely, if unintentionally, reveal some of her lingerie finery in the company of others. Being a willing voyeur of Karen was one of Billy’s favorite extra-curricular activities at family gatherings. Often she wore a skimpy lingerie-style lace bra under a sheer blouse. The

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Big Tits

Is it a blessing or a curse for a thirteen year-old girl to have huge tits? I was already sporting 34DDs when I entered junior high school. The boys flocked around me, found excuses to rub against my chest, and the bolder ones would even grab at them when they could. It made me uncomfortable as hell. My older sister comforted me and told me I should enjoy the attention, and the power. She said my tits could get me a lot if I wanted, that boys, and

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Big Mouth

“Christ, look at the tits on that!” he murmured to himself. They were indeed quite a pair, bulging out against the constraints of a cardigan that did little to hide their voluptuousness. She was obviously walking for fitness as she also wore sunglasses, a peaked cap, track suit pants and runners. She was well over 50 and grey hair tied in a pony tail hung to her shoulders. She was not slender and as she passed, he took in the size of her superstructure and the size of her rear. “Counter balanced,”

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Big Evil Auntie

David had just finished his paper round and was feeling a little tired being small for his 16 years. As he entered the house he saw his Aunt Sheila in the living room sitting on the settee crossed legs showing her ample curves, a woman of 40, strongly built about 5’10” 180 pounds, brown hair tied in a bun. David stared at his Auntie as he entered, she looked up at him her huge breasts jiggled, David’s Aunties breasts were at least 49DD, in fact her figure measured a whopping

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Bible Mom

I’m going to talk about my mother and her religion in a way that may appear a little dark, depressing and uncomfortable. I think she was a lousy parent but I know I wouldn’t be me if it wasn’t for her and her mistakes. My mom came from a military family. She was the second youngest and terribly jealous of her younger sister. I think that’s why she got married at 18 to Vietnam vet and had me by the time she was 19. Sadly, the marriage was over by the

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Bev’s Massage

My cell phone wouldn’t stop ringing, but I had no time to take any calls as we made our way up to her doctor’s clinic. Bev had called me at work, and when she told me she had fallen, I dropped everything and rushed to her home. Normally Bev would call my wife for something like this, but Kate had been out of town for 3 days and was not due back for at least another two. Bev wondered if it was Kate trying to ring after I had left the message at her hotel that her

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Best Summer Ever!! (part 2)

Hey there. The name is James, my cousin is Michael. You may have heard how his summer went, but you haven’t heard how my summer was yet. I think my summer was a little better, but you be the judge. Now my aunt Jill is sort of reserved for the most part. We have alot of fun every summer, but she is easily embarrassed, so our adventures are limited once in a while. All in all, we have fun. We go to the movie theatre at least once a week, and we spend a lot

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Best Summer Ever!! (part 1)

My name is Michael. I will be a senior in high school this coming fall. Every summer, my cousin, James, and I visit each other’s house for 2 weeks. I stay with my aunt, and he stays at my house. We have alot of fun. My aunt Cindy is a blast. We go to water parks, bowling, and anything else that sounds fun. So, it’s that time of summer, my mom, Jill, drops me off, and picks up James. “Bye mom” I call out, before stepping in the door. “Bye Michael, I love you!!”

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Best Friends Mom

From the age of 6 to 18, I lived a couple of doors from my best friend. His dad was a doctor and worked long hours, and when he wasn’t working, he was on the golf course. My friend was an only child. His mom was about 28 when he was born, and she took great care of herself. I’ve posted stuff about her before. This thread reminds me of several times where she’d do housework in the sheerest of nightgowns. Of course, only around me, my friend and one other boy. Never

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Being Grandma’s Carer

I was on holiday for the school break for 6 weeks and had no idea what to do for the long summer days. It was only the second day into the holidays when my grandma had taken a fall and badly bruised her hip and fractured her right arm. Me and my parents took the 2 hour drive over to her place, which was remote to say the least, to see what we could do. It soon became apparent grandma could not do anything hardly for herself, she was not the

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Beginning to Love the Feeling

It began when i was about 13, I was with a friend whose job it was to watch his next door neighbors house and feed their dog.  He asked if I wanted to go over with him, and i said sure.  He showed me where the owners had left the backdoor key for him and we went in.  After awhile he said you know who’s house this is?  No, well its Alice Hawthorne’s house.  You mean the Alice that’s in school with us?  Yep, that’s the one!  She is one bitch that i would love to get

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Becoming an Exhibitionist

The following began when I was 15 years old and continued until I was almost 18. My grandmother lived nearby and I frequently spent the night with her. I decided she was something of an exhibitionist and in a way trained me to be one too. She would put on a gown at night with nothing on underneath. I knew this because she would bend over my bed to adjust the covers and I could see all the way down the inside of her gown, her aged but ample breasts swaying in front of me. In the summer she would

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Be Careful What You Wish For

Chapter I:  Kevin’s Shameful Secret As Kevin awoke, the large black nylon panties over his head and face instantly reminded him of the previous nights activities.  His right hand instinctively reached down to fondle himself through the silky confines of the pink nylon women’s panties he was wearing; as his left hand began to rub the shiney satin cup of the white padded bra that was secured around his chest.  His excitement increased upon feeling the stiff nylon of his cum stained panties, as he remembered last nights hour long conversation with his strict telephone dominitrix, Mistress

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BBW Stepmom

  It seems I always had this thing for bigger, full figure women. I don’t know where is started but I seemed to fantasize about them all the time. My step mom was a bigger woman. My dad divorced and remarried when I was very young. He was away quite a lot with business so it was just me and Sally, that’s my stepmom, at home most times. I always thought Sally was quite attractive even when I was young. As I grew older I started to notice her more. She had put on a few more

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It was 2 in the morning when my phone rang, I was not in bed but was due to go any minute. Through the noise I made out a woman’s voice over the street noise around her. After two minutes I finally understood that it was Mary the mother of a friend of mine. I had dinner with her son recently and he had given her my number in case she needed help next time she was in my town. She was now in town and was too drunk to drive so she was wondering if I

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Bath Time With My Aunt

Bath Time With My Aunt Sex is a strange thing surreal almost at times. First sex is seldom a cataclysmic opening, rather a buildup of various tendrils which will one day flower into full blush. As a teenager I had scarlet fever. Well perhaps more a virgin than a teenager 18 or thereabouts. I had to stay home from school, missing important exams in the process. I stayed at my aunt’s, my great-aunt really; she was deemed to be the only person able to care for me as the scarlet fever ran its course. It was awful

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Bathtime For Zach

It was Friday night and I walked into the bathroom ready to have a bath. I stripped off down to my thong underpants and waited for my mother. I suppose I better back track here, or you’ll be wondering why an eighteen year old boy is still being bathed by his mother. When I was twelve years old I remember having a conversation with my mother one bath time. “Its about time you started bathing alone Zach.” My mother said. “You’ll be a teenager next year.” I was a shy boy back then, and I suppose to

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Bath Time

I was barely 13 when I discovered the joys of masturbation along with a couple of friends of mine. We used to discuss sex and women, and quite often it would lead to a jerk off session. I remember that I was always horny it seemed like. It didn’t take much to get me going. Even in school, an accidental glimpse up a skirt would cause an instant erection. I can remember quite often standing in front of the urinal and stroking myself to relief during the class bells. Today in reading

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Bathroom Peeper

(M/f, masturbation) OK, so I admit it, I peeked on my step-brother in the bathroom. It wasn’t really like, my fault though. My step-father had been remodeling one of the upstairs bathrooms, which adjoined my step-brother’s room, but not mine. I had to walk all the way down the hall to use the bathroom, and my step-father decided that he could just add a door leading to my room. This incurred some movement of the plumbing, which he stuck in my closet. There, he built a trap that could be opened to service the plumbing if something

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Bathing with Grandma

I had just graduated from college three months ago. I moved in with my grandmother because she had an extra room and lived in the city. So I thought it would be convenient for job interviews. I got all my stuff moved in and was straightening up my room when she came in and asked me if I wanted to go swimming. I was shocked at how good she looked in her bikini. At 55, she was still attractive. She had short curly brown hair and her face didn’t have

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Barbecue at my Aunt’s

I have had literally hundreds of fantasies in my lifetime and I am only in my twenties. Some of my fantasies are simple and to the point. Some are very detailed and would take hours of preparatory writing just so the reader would remotely understand the point. Most of my fantasies deal with the same topics. These topics are usually incestuous and always include in some relation, panties. This story starts being true. I am sure you will be able to tell when the story shifts from the what really went on to fantasy. Enjoy.

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Barbara’s Panties

I had to attend a convention and it happened to be in the same city that my wife’s older sister lives. My wife suggested that I go a day early so I could visit her sister and family. I was going to spend the first night with them and then check into the hotel. I arrived around noon and visited with the family that afternoon. That night my sister in law informed me that she was going to let me sleep in her youngest daughter’s room. She said Barbara had agreed to give up her room

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Bad Grandma

Most young people do not like to spend very much time with their grandma. I always enjoyed spending time with grandma Connie, she was only 63 and still beautiful with a very nice body with salt and pepper hair. Mostly salt!! She lived in a duplex next to us and I spent a lot of time with her in the summer. Connie was tall and slender and always wore little summer dresses around the house. I was always looking down her top at her small pointed tits and big brown nipples.

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Back Yard Show

*** A husband deliberately exhibits his willing young wife to a group of college boys, and watches them watch her. *** Some years ago I was working at a vacant house near a college campus doing some clean up and maintenance work. The house was right behind one of the boy’s dormitories and had previously been occupied by students. A few of the days my wife had come along to work with me since the kids were in school. It was springtime and we were finally having some nice warm weather

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Babysitter’s Bikini

Lori Saunders was a sixteen year old baby sitter for the Daly’s two kids, six year old Jessica and twelve year old Josh. She had been baby-sitting these kids for over two years and found it to be a very rewarding job. The Daly’s were well to do business people who owned their own chain of specialty clothing stores. Both were very busy, and appreciated the way Lori took care of their kids. Lori was paid very well, especially now that she could drive taking their kids to various functions freeing

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Babysitter’s Awakening Part 2

     To say the least I was a bit nervous when I returned to my babysitting job the next week.  Everything seemed fine though once I got there.  After they left I waited awhile, made sure the kids were asleep and went to the bedroom to return her panties.  I could just tuck them back in her drawer and this whole situation would be over with.      I opened the drawer lifted up several pairs of panties and slid them in.  As I held them in my hand, I realized my heart was racing.  I couldn’t close

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Babysitter’s Awakening

I cant remember the exact moment that thoughts of lingerie and women wearing them began dominating my sexual being.  Admiring and masterbating over the lingerie sections of moms catalogues was a common occurence at 6 or 7 years old.  A certain event though stands out as the moment my thoughts became a passion. I was 12 years old and often had babysitting jobs.  One of these was a regular Friday night job.  After some weeks there I realized I could set a clock to the time they would return and the kids were already in bed when

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“Mom, do I really need a babysitter? I mean I’m thirteen, after all.”   “Probably not, sweetie, but it would make your father and worry less. And besides, don’t you think a whole weekend alone in the house would get lonely?”   “I guess so. I just wish you guys thought I was more responsible.”   “Alright Josh, I tell you what. If you’re well behaved for the babysitter and Sam gives your father and I a good report, we’ll think about letting you stay home alone next

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Baby Sat By My Aunt

A long time ago when I was 17 years old, my mother was awaiting the birth of my younger brother. My father worked 3rd shift so my parents made arrangements for my mother’s younger sister, my 21-year-old aunt Marianne, to stay with us and baby-sit overnight while my father was at work when my mother was in the hospital. At first I thought, why do my 14-year-old brother and I need a babysitter? But then I stopped to think about it, my aunt Marianne is one of those women who looks a little plain but very

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A Whiskey & Lemonade

Ethan ran upstairs to his bedroom to get dressed. He put on a pair of boxer shorts. His thing was not as hard as before, but it hung out the left leg of his shorts. He put on his jeans and looked at himself in the mirror. His thing clearly stood out against his left leg. He sighed and took the jeans off. Somewhere in his dresser was a pair of jockey shorts he no longer wore. He found them buried in the bottom drawer. He took off the boxers,

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A Weekend with Janine

 This story happened a few weeks ago and involves my parents’ friend Janine. Janine met my mom about 15 years ago at work. Janine is 40 years old, never married, has no children, and works at a public relations company. When I was growing up, she visited my parents’ house at least twice a month. I think of her like an aunt. When my parents are being difficult, I can always go to Janine for help or advice. She is very open minded and I can tell her anything. My car was

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A Voyeur’s Dream 2

As I indicated before, there were powerful forces at work when I was a boy that shaped my wants and needs as a man. I stayed with a neighbor lady, Jean, after school. I know now that she was an exhibitionist, but at the time I just thought that I was the luckiest kid around. She was constantly treating me to cock-hardening views down her blouse and up her skirt. I was a horny kid and masturbated furiously and frequently thinking of her and others who I had glimpses and fantasies of.

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A Voyeur’s Dream

My girlfriend Diane is an exhibitionist and I am the appreciative voyeur. She is forty years old, very attractive, full-figured, and has very large, pendulous breasts. She wears loose fitting, low-cut blouses and tops and bends over in front of her “victims” giving them terrific views of her hanging breasts. She adjusts her bra straps loosely so that her breasts bulge out of the cups and her nipples peek in and out of view when she bends. She also wears denim jumpers and skirts and sits “unladylike” or squats or bends around men and teenage boys, giving them views up

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The Avon Lady

A spin off from Rick and Caroline By Bob  A friend of a friend who Kathy knew had dropped by and given Kathy awritten estimate of $595.00 to fix her porch, on the drive back to her placefrom Caroline’s, Kathy drunkenly slurred she couldn’t afford that much moneyon her meager income.  When we got to Kathy’s house I read the estimate,immediately I realized that the person was going to rebuild the veranda.With my bright lights shining from my Corvette I roughly accessed thedamage.  It was very obvious that the porch could be fixed for a cheaperprice

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A Visit With Sue

It all started a couple days ago with Sue. Sue was a friend of mine a fifty year  old woman who I had hung around with for some time. A larger woman with big  slightly saggy tits and a pretty face. She still looked pretty good for her age.  Her and her husband had been divorced for about 15 years and she hadn’t been  with a man since then. Anyway she used to spend the night a lot and always would wear a nightgown. One  night we were sitting around watching a

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A Visit with Grandma

The last time I saw grandma Virginia was about three years ago when grandpa Harry past away. It was just for a couple of days to attend the funeral. So, now that I had graduated college, I decided to take some time off to go visit my grandma. Rather than calling her in advance, I had decided to surprise her. With what little belongings I own stuffed in my car, which incidentally grandpa Harry had bought me for my 18th birthday; I headed south and drove all day to make it

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A Visit With Aunty Brown (part 2)

   I knew that my life was going to be much different.  I didn’t know exactly what to expect but I couldn’t help thinking about the things that had been done to me at Aunty Brown’s and the way it had made me feel.  It was kind of scary but it also excited me a little.  Mommy pulled me out of extracurricular activities at school and insisted that I come right home every afternoon.  And when I did come right home that first afternoon she sat me down and said we had to have a

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A Visit with Aunt Catherine

A few moments after waking up, a smile came across Catherine’s lips. Stretching, yawning, noticing the bright sunshine against the curtains, she pushed the covers aside and stood up, then turned toward the full length mirror.  Pulling off her nightgown and straightening her hair, she studied herself, and decided she liked what she saw.  The two months of diet and exercise, in anticipation of her nephews visit, had certainly paid off.  Her waist was nice and trim, her hips a gentle curve.  Her skin had a nice golden glow, all over.  She

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A Visit to the Doctor (part 2)

We stopped at the drug store and had my prescription filled which seemed to take forever. The silence between my mother and I was almost unbearable. She didn’t yell at me or even say a word. But I could tell she was upset with me – or maybe disappointed somehow. When we arrived at our house my older sister was already home from high school. My mom told me to wait for her in the front room while she put her things away. “Son, we need to have a long talk. You

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A Visit to the Doctor (part 1)

The first time I can remember being totally humiliated was when I was younger. During school one morning, I suddenly came down with a rather bad pain in my mid-back. I was sent to the school office, which eventually called my mom. My mom was sure it was a kidney stone and wanted me to see a kidney specialist that she knew. Since she was at work, she arranged to pick me up on her lunch hour and drop me off at the doctor’s office. When we arrived, the doctor’s office was empty

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A Visit to the Doctor

I’m a very open person and don’t mind talking about sex with anyone, that includes my doctor. When I lived in Chicago, I needed to see the doctor for a required physical that our company tells us to take each year. We can see our own doctors, but we must do a routine health check every year as that helps keep their medical costs down. Seems like a good idea if I was paying the bills. Plus it was the middle of summer and it gave me a reason to have a half-day of

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A Visit to Grandma’s

“Damn it mom I don’t want to go!” I shouted through my bedroom door. “I don’t care your father and I are going away and you are going to your grandmother’s!” my mom yelled at me from downstairs. At this point I was extremely angry, slammed my door, and threw myself onto my bed. I went to my computer and went to a porn site, as I always do when I’m pissed. I started looking at MILF’s and Mature porn. They were always my favorite categories. I

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A Visit With Aunty Brown (part 1)

If truth be told, Jane Bronski had always enjoyed seeing her stepson in the nude. Although she suppressed any conscious acknowledgment of pedophilic tendencies, she never lost an opportunity to treat herself to a peek at his prepubescent body. After undressing him at bedtime an unusually long time would usually elapse while Billy waited naked and nervous for his pajamas to be put on. Mommy would scold if he tried to cover himself or avoid her gaze. Bath time was another occasion for indulging her secret needs. She would sit on the edge of the

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A Very Good Sales Call

I’m a business owner and frequently I do sales calls to very senior management to help my sales staff close deals.  This past week, I met with a President of an automotive supplier to GM.  I’m in my young 40’s and very active physically playing competitive tennis, so I’m in quite good shape. The President of this company was a rather attractive lady in her mid to late 30’s.  I had never met her previously and was led to her office by her Administrative Assistant.  I was amazed at how stunning she looked in her

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Aunty Sue

My name is Colin, I’m fourteen years old, I’ve always been tall for my age, my mother told me once that when I was born I was in three to six months old clothes even though I was only eight pounds when i was born. Now that I am fourteen I’m six foot tall, thirteen stone (182Lbs). Blond shoulder length hair, electric blue eyes and every muscle in my body was totally defined, stomach was a typical six-pack. I had been approached several times to be a model in Birmingham but I only had one plan for

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Aunty’s Boobs

Bobby sat on the commode in the plush upstairs bathroom with a thin, well-worn magazine of grainy photographs of nude women in his left hand and his saliva lubricated erection in his right. As he stared at a waist-to-head picture of a particularly sexy brunette with large, full breasts, he slid his slick hand slowly up and down his hard penis while trying to imagine what it would be like to have this woman sitting live across from him watching him jacking off instead of just staring back at him lifelessly from a piece of

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Aunty Rosemarie’s Directoire Knickers

Aunty Rosemarie’s birthday fell on a lovely sunny day in mid-April. That day, her ‘adopted’ nephew, Paul, arrived on his bicycle at her large country cottage, to stay for a few days over the Easter holidays. He looked hot and tired as he had ridden about 30 miles, and so after he had left his shoes and outdoor clothes in the scullery, she took him upstairs for a relaxing bath. She had decided that he must rest in bed afterwards, before enjoying the nice meal that she was preparing for him. “Go and undress,”

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Aunty Pat

I’ve always had a thing about older women, I’ve never been to bed with anyone younger than me and normally they are at least 10 years older. It’s not an ‘Oedipus’ thing either, I just got hooked on older women right from the outset. The reason for this obsession was my Aunt Pat — aunt by marriage and not by blood I hasten to add — who sort of seduced me when I was 18. I say ‘sort of’ as I think I ought to take some of the blame, but

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Aunty Kay’s Silky Petticoats and Directoire Knickers

  My love of ladies’ silky underwear started when I was still at school.  I went to a co-educational school and at that time girls wore blouses and skirts for the winter term and then light cotton dresses for the warmer months.  They also quite commonly wore slips under their skirts and dresses and I used to spend many a happy time during a boring lesson catching glimpses of their nylon and lace slips and underskirts peeking from under the girls’ skirts.  There was one particular girl, for whom I had a burning lust, who regularly

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I was about 11 years old when I first experienced the joys of masturbation. At that time of my life I spent most weekends at my grandparents’ home. My Aunt Mary lived there. She was divorced (and in fact never re-married). The bedroom I used was at the end of a corridor and I had to pass my Aunt’s room to reach the bathroom. When I passed her door I often saw her getting dressed (I could see through a crack in the door)She was a fairly large woman and she used to wear old

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Aunt Wanked Me

When I was twelve I was diagnosed with diabetes and had to spend several weeks in hospital. When I came home I had to make frequent visits back to out-patients to make sure I was getting on OK. On one such visit several months later my diabetes had got out of control and the doctor was trying to work out why. Had I had a cold, had I been eating too many sweets etc. Then she turned to my mother and asked “Is he developed yet?.” Rather flustered my mother replied “I’m not sure I’ve not

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Aunt Virgina

It was, I believe, within a week after my eighth birthday that my Aunt Virginia looked in on me one night to see if I was sleeping and ended up giving me my first lesson in the joys of sex. She was babysitting me and my sister (who is a year and a half younger than me), and was probably getting ready to settle in with her book.  As it happened, I was awake, and said something to her when she began to close the door.  I was, at the

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Aunt Vicky

 I was all settled in for the night. My Aunt Vicky was downstairs doing laundry and finishing the dinner dishes, and I had showered and watched a little TV, and then yawned and told my Step-mom’s younger sister that I was going to bed. I wasn’t actually tired yet, but I was horny and was looking forward to taking some time to escape into my world of secret sexual fantasies, and I didn’t want to be disturbed.  My Aunt Vicky was pretty foxy for my Step-mom’s younger sister, and looked much like a younger version of my Mom. God she

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Aunt Valerie is Drunk

Aunt Valerie asked me to babysit her kids last Friday night. Uncle Jim was out of town, and she was going out with some women she works with. Since I go to school in the town where she lives, it wasn’t a problem. For one thing, I could use the money. On top of that, I like to see as much of Aunt Valerie as I can. I’ve been having fantasies about my dad’s forty-year-old sister forever. She had never given any indication of interest in me, her eighteen-year-old nephew, but no matter

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Aunt Valerie

It was the first time the twins had made to their aunt’s house in over four Years, and not since they were ten years old had they been back to Omaha to Visit Aunt Valerie, their mother’s older sister. The train ride had been a real Adventure for the two eighteen year olds, since it was the first time they had ever traveled anywhere without their parents! Both Tommy and Tony had been a little nervous at the thought of traveling a thousand miles by themselves, but their fears quickly dissipated as they settled down in

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Aunt Suzie’s Panties

This story is based upon actual events…. Feeing a slight dose of desperation the summer after I turned eighteen led me to wondering, wondering about what pussy might smell like. That summer before my senior year in high school, I remember lying in bed one night thinking I’d never, ever get the chance to find out. Girls were still pretty foreign to me then, different and unattainable. Boys on the school bus would say “pussy smelled like tuna fish” but considering the sources, how could I believe them? They didn’t know,

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Aunt Suzanne Helps Out

Last year my mother’s sister came to stay with us for a few weeks while my mom was having an operation. Aunt Suzanne was real nice to us all, helping out with the housework and stuff. One afternoon when after getting home from work, I just happened to walk down the hallway past her bedroom when Aunt Suzanne was undressing. I could hear the shower running through the half-open doorway of the guest bathroom. It had been a long time since I had seen my aunt naked; since when I was

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Aunt Sue

After my parents got divorced, I lived with Mom. She had a good job and apparently was well paid because we never seemed to lack for any necessities. She got a recent promotion, though, and now she has to travel quite a bit. Although she seems to really like her job, having to leave me alone bothers her a whole lot. I’ll have to hand it to Mom– she’s very conscientious and seems to worry considerably about being a good parent. More than anything else, she worries that I won’t get

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Aunt’s Panties

The story from the guy about masturbating with his mother-in-law’s panties brought to mind an experience I had when I was 14. My family was visiting my aunt & uncle that summer and we were staying at their house for two weeks. They had a very nice home with a large pool and backyard, and it was a great place to spend part of my summer vacation. I had no brothers or sisters but did have two cousins: Tom, who was 13, and his sister, Sue, 10. The very first day we arrived we were

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Aunt’s Lube

A few years back when I was sixteen, my parents went on a European vacation, so I had to stay with my aunt at her house. My aunt is around 5’3″, in her mid forties and a little plump, but she has very large beautiful breasts. She is divorced and has no kids, so it was just me and her in the house. I’ve always been very close with my aunt, and could tell her anything, she even said if you have any questions about sex or anything you could ask me. I’ve been there for around

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Aunts’ Lingerie Party

One Friday night during my senior year of high school, shortly after my eighteenth birthday, I drove to a nearby university, to attend a concert with a friend who was a freshman there. After the concert I was starting the long drive home, when I got the urge to drive past my Aunt Valerie’s house. I was half-considering stopping in, but it was pretty late, and Aunt Valerie had two young kids. But when I approached her house, there were a number of cars in the driveway and in the street. I recognized several of the cars as belonging to

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Aunt’s Lessons

My parents were divorced when I was 12. The following year I was sent to my Aunt’s house for two months during the summer. My Aunt was 40 years old and had been divorced and living by herself in an old house for about 10 years. She was quite matter-of-fact about life, and did her best to make sure that I felt loved and confident that things would work out even though my family life was in turmoil. She worked until 4:00 each afternoon during the week but would always be home by 4:30, and make

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Aunt Shows a Little Kindness

As an only child in a dysfunctional family I got beaten up a lot by my dad and ignored or scolded by mom. By the time I reached my mid teens I had a serious masturbation problem only then I didn’t realize how bad it was. I masturbated frequently and compulsively, and was also an exhibitionist. All I got was punishment. My only friend was my aunt Marge, who was in her early fifties then. I would have liked to visit her more often, only she lived too far away to permit more

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Aunt Says It’s Ok

My aunt by marriage to my uncle (my mom’s brother) lived with us while he was living in Europe for 4 months on a business project. She was 38 and I was 15. She was also a larger woman… like my other aunt, she had huge breasts. She did not dress sexy but in fact dressed very conservatively… dresses and sweaters. She did not give sloppy kisses but she was affectionate and loved giving lots of hugs. She had a very contagious laugh and was very happy to be around. She slept in the guest room

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Aunt Polly’s Toy Boy

*** It really is hard being a 13-year-old boy and being horny all the time. The thoughts of seeing my Aunt Polly naked was driving me crazy so I decided to find out what she really looked like. She likes to take a shower and get freshened up before supper each evening and I decided to hide in her closet in the hope of getting a view her treasures. I never dreamed that I would see more than I could ever imagine and become Aunt Polly’s Toy-boy. *** It has been three months since my parents died

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Aunt Peg’s Visit

     Looking at my mother and her younger sister, it was hard to imagine that they were separated in age by ten years.  My aunt, recently divorced from her very successful and work-addicted attorney husband, was an exceptionally youthful-appearing 34-years-old woman.  My mother, soon to be 44, had the same tawny hair and blue eyes, the same slim feminine figure, toned by tennis and aerobics.  The family resemblance was striking.  That they were sisters was not questioned, but that they were ten-years apart was remarkable.       We’d picked

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Aunt Paula’s Odd Proportions

It was a 400 mile drive from my home to the Penn State campus, where for whatever reason they chose to accept me back in 1977, and while I could have made it in one day my mother convinced me to stop en route to spend a night at my Aunt Paula’s place. Convincing might not be the proper choice of words because I sort of planted that seed of thought when I asked Mom about the best route to take and she said that Aunt Paula’s house was about

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Aunt Pam Part 4

The phone rang early the next morning, it was still dark. I woke up but didn’t bother opening my eyes, I was so tired. After 4 or 5 rings it went away but then started ringing again right after. Either my aunt didn’t hear the phone or she was ignoring it, but I really didn’t want to get up to answer it. Another 5 rings and it stopped, but then it came right back. Annoyed, I got up out of bed to answer it. It was somebody at Pam’s work wanting to speak to her. It

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Aunt Pam Part 3

My aunt came home later that night with a box of pizza and a couple rented movies. I was still unsure of whether or not she knew what I was up to before she came home earlier that day, but I could only suspect she did. I tried to act as normal as possible but I could tell she was looking at me differently, giving me smiles that suggested she knew something I didn’t think she knew. We ate first because she said she was really hungry, then afterward she went to her room to change

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Aunt Pam Part 2

The next morning I woke up around 11, walked into the living room and turned on the TV. Nothing but soaps were on so I tuned it to MTV and walked into the kitchen to look for something to eat. On the table was a note from my aunt. She wrote that she worked from 6 to 6 that day and she wouldn’t be home til close to 7. She said I could eat whatever I wanted in the fridge as long as I was careful not to spoil my dinner. She asked I not use

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Aunt Pam Part 1

This story took place over 10 years ago. I was 14, well experienced with self-satisfaction and my panty fetish was in it’s infancy. I had just “graduated” from junior high in Northern California. The graduating class took an overnight field trip to an amusement park in Southern California. We all piled into a bus and made the drive down to the LA area and after it was over, we were all supposed to get on the bus and drive back. However, my family had planned to start our own vacation to Arizona in a rented car

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Aunt Pam

It was already hot by late morning. I woke back up to noise coming from the kitchen and the smell of bacon. I got out of bed and walked over, Pam was making eggs and pancakes. She was wearing a grey fleece sweatsuit and I could see her pantylines. I tried not to think about it and told her the food smelled good. She said it was almost ready so I jumped in and out of the shower real quick. By the time I got back my food was waiting for me and I joined my aunt

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Aunt Mildred’s Secret

* * * * * “Alvin! Aunt Mildred fell and hurt her back. She’s in the hospital.” Those words started a sexual adventure that is still going on today. About two years ago, my mother’s sister took a bad fall. Aunt Mildred had always been an extension of our mom. Sharon and I were kids to a single mom. Our dad took off soon after Sharon was born. I was three at the time so I don’t remember him. Like I said, Aunt Mildred helped mom in raising us. In fact, she was there more

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Aunt Mary’s Nylons (ch. 2)

I could hear my mom getting ready for work and I tossed and turned in bed with the huge erection that I had kept hard all night. I wanted to jerk-off more than once at just the thought of the past evening’s events with my aunt and her nylons. I could hear the two of them talking and laughing so I knew my aunt was already up and about. My Mom came into my bedroom to check on me and told me to keep my aunt company until she got home from work and we would

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Aunt Mary’s Nylons (ch. 1)

My story takes place in the summer of 1966. A time when the fashion called for women to wear girdles, garters, and shiny ultra sheer reinforced heel and toe nylons, spiked heels pumps or mules daily! A time when my fetish for nylons was young and in full bloom! Aunt Mary had stopped to visit us on her way back home from a week’s vacation. She was going to spend a couple of days with us even though my mom had to work and could not be home during the day; I was a freshman in

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Aunt Mary part 7

by StockingTops After Aunt Mary left the walk-in closet, I removed the cum soaked panties and slip she had given me to wear.  My erection was subsiding.  She had told me to find something else to wear, and to come out to the kitchen for breakfast.  I looked around her closet and was drawn to her full-length nightgowns.  As I looked through them, my amazingly resilient teenage penis returned to attention.  I wasn’t sure how many times I could cum in one day.  But I had already cum twice, and my penis was growing hard again.  I knew that Aunt

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Aunt Mary part 4

by StockingTops Aunt Mary never mentioned the cum soaked panties that I had placed in her hamper.  So I don’t know for sure that she noticed.  I would think that it would be hard for her not to notice!  I’m sure they were good and wet and sticky, having just been freshly soiled.  Nevertheless, she could have just grabbed a bunch of things out of the basket, and not noticed.  I go back and forth on this – telling myself it’s possible she didn’t notice.  But deep down, I know better. Things were a little different with Aunt Mary after

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Aunt Mary part 3

by StockingTops Aunt Mary appeared, at least on the surface, to be a modest woman.  She wore relatively conservative clothes – generally dresses to the knee or lower, with slips, stockings, and low to medium heeled pumps.  But she seemed also, to have an unselfconscious way about her when she was in the comfort of her own home.  This became more apparent as my stay with her continued. For example, on my first evening with her, I was sitting watching TV in her living room, when she walked through to the kitchen in a half-slip and a bra.  I’m sure

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Aunt Mary part 2

by StockingTops After that first experience of seeing Aunt Mary’s panties inadvertently exposed, and then finding the same panties, or a pair like them, in her hamper and masturbating with them, I couldn’t stop thinking about them.  An hour after masturbating with the panties I found in her bathroom hamper, I went back into the bathroom to find them again.  I opened the hamper and pulled them out.  They were right on top where I had left them, and where Aunt Mary had left them originally.  I held them up by the waistband.  They were full cut nylon briefs and

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Aunt Mary part 1

by Stockingtops My panty fetish, and I guess my lingerie fetish in general, began the summer I turned 13.  I was staying with my Aunt Mary while my folks went for a two week vacation.  Aunt Mary was single still at the age of about 40.  She lived alone in a small 2 bedroom house.  I have many memories from that two week stay with Aunt Mary.  And I’m sure now, as an adult, that those early memories helped to form my current fetishes for panties, slips, and other types of lingerie. Aunt Mary was a beautiful, feminine woman.  At

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Aunt Martha

I was 18 years old and still in High School when my parents went on an extended vacation to Europe.  Since school was still being held, and this was my senior year, I was left behind and  I was told that I had to stay at Aunt Martha’s house.  My parents were going to be gone for two months, so they gave Aunt Martha full rights to discipline me any way she felt needed.  My parents hadn’t spanked me since I was 15 years old, and lately, I had been grounded

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Aunt Maria

*** Aunt Maria is quite the looker: proportioned practically perfectly in every way, and with beautiful obsidian hair to boot. When my father’s brother died, my parents invited Aunt Maria to stay with us until she could find an apartment. (F/m-teen, ped, 1st, mast, rom) *** My name’s not particularly relevant to this story, but my Aunt Maria’s is. My father’s brother married her when I was thirteen; he was twelve years younger than my father, and so when he was first married at twenty- two, my father was thirty-four and

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Aunt Mable’s Visit (chapter 7)

Chapter – 7 When Art arived home with Jerry the next afternoon Aunt Mable was at the door and It seemed to Art that she wanted to embarrass him.  His aunt kissed him the way she had been doing all week.  She rubbed tongues with him and rubbed her cunt against his cock.  Jerry watched and got a hard on just watching what she was doing to Art.  Mable looked at him and pointedly looked at his crotch making him blush right along with Art. “What’s the matter,

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Aunt Mable’s Visit (chapter 6)

Chapter – 6 Art’s mother and Aunt Mable went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.  Art had to run out to the store to get some bread.  His father handed him a five dollar bill and Art walked the two blocks to the store, bought the bread, and returned.  He went around to the kitchen door and overheard a strange conversation.  His mother was asking a question when he arrived. “Well, how is he?” “As he would say, ‘Wow’.” “Is he as scared as Herb was?”

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Aunt Mable’s Visit (chapter 5)

Chapter – 5 Art spent another interminable day in school and ran home without waiting for Sally again.  He hadn’t jerked off all day and his prick was sticking out like an iron rod.  Art couldn’t see his aunt and guessed she was up in her bedroom.  Just like yesterday his aunt was waiting in her room.  Art shed his clothes on the way up the stairs. His aunt got up and met him at the bedroom door, hugged him, kissed him, and rubbed his tongue with hers.

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Aunt Mable’s Visit (chapter 4)

Chapter – 4 Art took one look at his parents and wished he could sink through the floor.  What if they found out his aunt had sucked his cock and he had lapped her cunt.  He wondered if they could look at him and tell something important had happened to him.  He sure didn’t feel the same as he had before he’d lapped cunt and had his cock sucked.  It must show somehow and he knew his parents would be able to see it. Art’s guilty conscience was

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Aunt Mable’s Visit (chapter 3)

Chapter – 3 He didn’t do well in school.  He thought the day would never end.  He didn’t want to jerk off because he wanted to save it for whatever his aunt was going to do so he had a hard on all day and that distracted him.  His English teacher reprimanded him for not paying attention when he didn’t respond to her.  His math teacher asked a question and he didn’t even know what the question was. At lunch his friends asked him about his Aunt Mable

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Aunt Mable’s Visit (chapter 2)

Chapter – 2 Aunt Mable arrived and Art ran out to help her with her bags.  It seemed that things were disorganized around his house.  His mother usually didn’t let things happen like this.  Jane was still out shopping and Milton had an unusual Saturday morning appointment at the office that he couldn’t get out of. Art was the whole welcoming committee.  It almost seemed as if it were arranged that way.  He carried her bags into the entryway, put them down, and waited for Aunt Mable to pay the taxi driver

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Aunt Mable’s Visit (chapter 1)

Prologue   Art hadn’t seen Aunt Mable, his mother’s twin sister, in four years and he could hardly wait to see her again.  Aunt Mable was a real looker.  She had long blond hair and blue eyes and he remembered her as having a figure that didn’t stop.  His mother had the same kind of a figure and her features were the same as his Aunt Mable’s except she had brown hair. He loved his mother and thought she was beautiful but his mother didn’t do the things that his Aunt

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Aunt Lisa

Lisa Lorraine Bishop-Sullivan sat across from Bill on her white leather loveseat, her deep tangerine skirt riding high on her long shapely tanned legs. Her full breasts were straining at the thin material of her tight stretch top, her nipples plainly visible, hard, erect, shouting “touch me, Bill” mockingly across the room. Her tiny feet and ankles were framed in a beautiful pair of white stilettos with very thin straps around the ankles. Her face was radiant and lovely as always. Yeah, OK, she was getting to be a pain in the ass for him, but what

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Aunt Karen part 11

conclusion ~This episode concludes this story.  If you haven’t read the other episodes, I recommend that you read them in the order that they were written, since the story builds to the point it reaches in this final episode.~ As Aunt Karen and her older friend June walked down the hallway toward Aunt Karen’s bedroom, I sat on the chair in the middle of the living room, in a state of shock from all that had happened. I began hearing giggling and the clinking of glasses coming from the bedroom. I stood up and walked toward

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Aunt Karen part 10

The next morning I awoke before Aunt Karen.  I decided it would be best to go to my own bedroom.  I wasn’t sure what she would remember from the night before, and didn’t want to push my luck.  I still had Aunt Karen’s big white nylon panties on when I got out of bed.  So I slid them off and threw them in her closet before going to my room. A couple of hours later, I woke to find Aunt Karen standing over my bed.  She was wearing white stockings, a white garter belt, white panties, a

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Aunt Karen part 9

Aunt Karen left for her date around 8:30 in the evening.  I found myself jealous that she had a date, especially dressed the way that she was!  She had left by herself, apparently having made arrangements to meet her date at the bar.  I was now alone in her house and made a b-line for her bedroom as soon as she left.  The agreement we had was that it was okay if I played with her panties and lingerie as long as I asked her first.  But I felt slighted at her having a date and decided

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Aunt Karen part 8

At dinner, Aunt Karen had her hair up in curlers.  She was wearing a white terry cloth bathrobe that was tied loosely in front.  The robe was tied in such a way that it kept gaping open on top, giving me great peeks at her big soft breasts.  As she moved this way and that, the robe would pull to the side, revealing one or the other of her dark, puffy, semi-erect nipples.  A couple of times she made feeble attempts to cover them, but then a minute later as she reached to pour herself some milk,

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Aunt Karen part 7

(Taking a Nap) In the afternoon, Aunt Karen told me that she was tired and that she was going to take a nap.  She asked me if I’d like to lay down with her and take a nap too.  Of course I said yes.  It was a warm afternoon, but not hot.  I walked into her bedroom with her and she went to the window to open it and let some air into the stuffy room.  I remember I just stood there at the end of the bed, feeling a bit awkward.  She sat on the

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Aunt Karen part 6

We were on our way to the mall when Aunt Karen started talking to me about the “rules.”  I don’t remember exactly how she put it, but she talked about how she knew we had both been having fun for the last few days and that she wanted us both to feel comfortable and continue having fun.  But she was concerned about my being only 14 years old and that certain things were illegal for her to do with someone my age.  She said she would feel more comfortable if we set out

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Aunt Karen Part 5

(Picking out a Dress) My second week with Aunt Karen was even better than the first!  I had forgotten that David (my friend and Aunt Karen’s son) was going away on an orchestra tour for a week.  I was going to be all alone in the house with Aunt Karen for a whole week!  I tried not to sound happy when David reminded me he was going to be leaving.  I assured him that I’d be okay.  I told him his mom was cool and that I’d be okay staying with her for the week.  But

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Aunt Karen Part 4

(Changing the Lightbulb) If you’ve been following my adventures with Aunt Karen, then I won’t need to introduce the story or situation to you again.  If you haven’t been following, then you might want to go back and start from my first installment and work your way up to this one. My last experience with Aunt Karen had been both my most embarrassing and most erotic experience so far.  She was kind enough not to mention it again.  In fact, she acted as if it had never happened.  I think the situation, the tension, between us

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Aunt Karen Part 3

One day, while I was staying at my friend Dave’s house with him and his mother (who I call Aunt Karen), he was at one of his music lessons, and Aunt Karen was going out to do some shopping.  “Would you do me a favor while I’m gone?” she asked me. “Of course,” I replied, “anything!” “There’s a basket of laundry in my walk-in closet,” she said.  “Will you fold it and hang it while I’m gone?” “Sure!” I said. She gave me one of her big warm hugs and said, “Thank you.  You’re such a sweetheart!” 

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Aunt Karen Part 2

My next erotic experience with Aunt-Karen happened later that day.   She was taking a shower in the master bathroom while her son (my friend) Dave was showering in the hall bathroom.  I was watching TV when I heard her calling from her bathroom to me.  “Will you bring me a towel?” she called.  “I’m soaking wet, and there aren’t any clean ones in here.” I grabbed a clean towel from the hall closet and brought it into her room.  “Will you bring it in to me?” she asked from the bathroom.  The door to the bathroom was

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Aunt Karen part 1

When I was 14, my parents went away for a 2 week vacation and made arrangements for me to stay with the next-door neighbors while they were gone.  The neighbor had a son close to my age, that I was good friends with, so it wasn’t bad for me.  My friend’s name was Dave, and he lived with his single mother who I called Aunt-Karen. She wasn’t my aunt, but that was how I had been brought up to refer to her.  Aunt-Karen was attractive, although certainly not beautiful, and was probably in her mid to late

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Aunt Karen

Chapter 1 A Bird in the Hand I was always fond of my Aunt Karen; she was a grown-up for sure, but really not that much older than my sister and I. She occasionally baby sat us and we always had a fun time with her. As I got older and started to have “manly urges,” I also noticed that she was a very attractive woman. I thought the world of her. That is, until that summer she spent at my house when she brought that world crashing down around me. I was twelve, and my

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Aunt Julie’s Handyboy

As a youth I was somewhat shy and just listened as my friends talked about sex I never got up enough courage to make a move on a girlfriend. The furthest I had ever gone with the girls I dated was kissing and hugging. I had fun with them, at dances, parties and such, but nothing sexual. Some of my friends would tell me that they had done it their girl friends. Naturally, I would fantasize about it and masturbate but that was as close as I came. One day in the fall of my senior

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Aunt Judy’s Secret Fun with her Nephew

When I was probably around fifteen, my parents were planning to go out with my Aunt Judy and her friend. Judy had a dog so my parents brought me over to watch the dog while they were out. I had seen Aunt Judy many times dressed up and tonight she looked as incredible as she ever did. She was wearing a white blouse and a dark blue skirt and nylons. The high heels that she wore were closed toe pumps so I didn’t get much of a look at her feet right away. She had about size

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Aunt Jenny’s Panty Paradise

A year ago, when I was 15 years old, my parents took a two month summer vacation to Europe, leaving me in the care of my mother’s friend Jenny in New York City. Jenny and my mother had met in college, and became good friends, and had kept in close contact ever since. Unlike my mother, who had gotten married, given birth to me, and become a stay-at-home mom, Jenny had moved to New York after college and started her own fashion company. By the time I was 12, Jenny’s company was flourishing, and she had become

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Aunt Jane

It had been a year since dad passed away and the mother had become deeply in debt. Aunt Jane came to our rescue. She paid off all our bills and decided to move in with mom, sis, and me. Mother tried everything she could to pay the bills some other way before agreeing to let her move in to which I didn’t understand. Aunt Jane was in her early 40s and mom younger sister by a year. She was extremely well built and had a body that made my

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Auntie Val

Like a lot of English lads, my introduction to what lay below a woman’s clothes came through the good photography of Mayfair magazine, a very popular British men’s magazine and, in my view, a British rival to Playboy. Mayfair sourced photographs from some of the best British photographers of the day and had some of the prettiest British girls at their (naked) best. Some of the biggest names in British modeling appeared on its pages: Jane Warner, Kirsten Imrie, Sam Johnson, and others. The magazine – which was in a similar format to

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Auntie Undressing

For the last 7 days I have been working every evening and missed the best part of my days. Today I was at home and had a GREAT seat when Auntie came arrived. She walked in and we exchanged hugs and kisses then began the ritual of telling how our day went as I watched the best ass in the world walk towards her closet to get to what I had been anxiously waiting for. Auntie made it to her closet pulled the door open then hung her purse on

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Auntie’s Stocking Slave Ch. 03

After I had finished my homework I came downstairs for dinner. It felt strange sitting at the table dressed in only in my apron and my cocquette. Aunty Jean was still dressed in her mauve satin blouse and white duchess satin classic-style, pencil skirt, flesh-toned sheer seamed stockings and white high-heeled court-shoes. She had refreshed her perfume before dinner and her scent was delicious. My buttocks still stung a little and the cold vinyl of the dinning room chair against my buttocks did nothing to ease the pain. Aunty said very little during the

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Auntie’s Stocking Slave Ch. 02

I crawled out the door and, still naked, I made my way down to the laundry to get a mop and bucket. After filling the bucket with warm soapy water I returned upstairs to my bedroom to find that my Aunty had gone. She had left me a note; it read: ‘Wear this………AND ONLY THIS!!! After you have completed your chores stand in the corner facing the wall and wait!’ The note was pinned to a white satin apron, edged with lace. Underneath the apron was a set of clean sheets. I

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Auntie’s Stocking Slave Ch. 01

It was 1959 and I was eighteen years old. My mother and father had died over a year ago in a car crash and after spending six months in a foster home my Aunty Jean had taken me in as her ward. Aunty Jean was forty-five and quite an attractive woman for her age. Her body was a little on the large side but she had large creamy breasts and stunning legs for a woman her age. She worked in an office in the city and her work attire usually consisted of skirt, blouse, heels

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Auntie’s Saturday Morning Bath

Auntie’s Saturday morning bath was a ritual that I will never forget. By this time (age 14) I was sleeping in Auntie’s bedroom (alone- it’s a long, dull story but Auntie was aware of my attraction to her panties and slips so she had more than an inkling of what would happen). After a while I began to look forward to these mornings and began planning little things such as arranging her drawer and putting my favorite panties and slip on top of her neatly folded piles so that Auntie would unintentionally model them for

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Auntie’s Panties

Sam was a bright, 20 year old, radiant young man. He far surpassed his classmates in their studies. Spending long hours in his room completing assignments working many hours into the night. Sam had a somewhat clumsily hidden secret. Sam had a great deal of interest in the underwear of his mother and aunts. He was obsessed. Swiping clothes from the house’s only dryer, walking quietly and containing his excitement. Sam would even go as far as to reach into the drawers on his mother’s bedroom furniture. But Sam was putting that

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Auntie’s Hot Panties

I have always loved older women, lingerie, stockings, girdles, panties, and yes pantyhose. For me it started when my family made regular trips to LA to visit my Uncle, who loved baseball, & my Aunt Sue who hated it as much as my uncle loved it. He always had season tickets to the Dodger games. Sometimes a friend of my Grandpa’s or my Uncles would show up uninvited and I always had to give up my seat at the game. On this weekend they were having several games from Friday thru Sunday, and a relative

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Auntie’s Help

 Some years ago I went to live with my “maiden” Aunt in the great city of Chicago. I had just graduated from small town high school and was starting college in the big city.  I soon found out that my unmarried Aunt was a big Bears fan, she would drag me to Soldiers Field even when it freezing out, keeping my moaning quiet by stuffing tons of junk food down my gob.  One night when we got back from the game my stomach felt tied into hard knots from all the crap I

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Auntie Pleasure

Well I was 15 years old at the time and my grandmother was 58.  She had a younger sister who was only 50 and had an incredible body. I discovered this when she came over to my house for the weekend while my parents were gone.  She had to come over because her house was being fumigated and she had to stay somewhere close by.  The first day she was there she came to the door with a large suit case which I took up stairs.  My parents had

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Auntie N

I would like to tell you about my Auntie “N”.  This is a true story and happened in the 60’s. When I was about 15, my Auntie “N” came to spend a couple of day’s with us.  As was the rule, I was moved to a mat in the atic, and Auntie “N” slept in my room.  I had to wait for her to leave the room to get my clothes and get dressed. One Sunday morning as every one was getting ready for church, I slipped into my room to get some underwear and clothes

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Auntie Monica

At 13 I babysat the neighbor ladies kids, she would be about 40’s petite, black haired. small busted big assed, nice legs. When I got over there to babysit, nobody kids, nobody. I called out….then she appeared, dressed in black panties and bra., heels. no stockings, nothing else but a smile!! My little cock twitched!!! Hello I said, ‘Hi honey,” she replied, acting embarrassed…”come into my bedroom while i get dressed, I’ll only be a minute!!.” I didn’t wait for a reply, like a rabbit I was in the bedroom, eyes agog….little prick stiff and at

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Auntie Mae

  Billy Spencer had mixed feelings when he was accepted at Lutheran Baptist College. His favorite aunt no longer lived in Roanoke and the only person he knew there from past summers was Aunt Dalia’s neighbor, Mrs Mae Osgood. The propect of moving into a dormitory far from the security of home weighed heavily on the shy high school senior. Except for summer visits with Aunt Dalia, Billy had never been away from home. Small for his age, the unatheletic boy was painfully introverted and teased at school as a “mama’s boy”. He was also frightened

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Auntie Knows Best

On occasion I visit my 60-year old widowed Aunt who lives in the southern US.  She has a slender figure with fair skin, red hair and a 34c chest. She is very loving but domineering. One time as we chatted in her home, the conversation drifted to my health. I told her I was feeling fine and she asked when the last time I had a physical? I replied that it has been about 5 years. She reprimanded me in a childish way. Even though I’m 40 years old she still remembers me as her cute 10

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Auntie Joyce Discovers my Fetish

Auntie Joyce found out about my fetish when I was a teenager. I was about 17, she was in her 40’s. Now I wasn’t really attracted to my aunt but one summer, she discovered and encouraged my lust for her lingerie. My younger brother had gone for the summer to visit my uncle, (they were divorced) so that left me and Auntie Joyce alone together a lot. At this time I was discovering my sexuality, and was exploring different methods of masturbation, as I had no experience with girls yet. I soon discovered my aunt’s lingerie. I

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Auntie Janice

Burdened by two suitcases. Robert stumbled up the stairs to AuntJanice’s front door. He dropped them on the pavement and caught hisbreath. His arms ached and the exercise, combined with the warmspring day had caused him to sweat through his shirt. Taking a deep breath, he rang the doorbell. After a few moments, Robert heard steps behind the door; he straightened up and tried to look his best. The lock turned and the door swung open. His Aunt did not smile as she stood aside and waved her hand to invite

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Auntie Grace a Cock Tease

Let me describe my auntie Grace. My auntie is 42, shoulderlength blonde hair,  5 foot four inches and 115 lbs. My auntie Gracehas an hour glass figure. My auntie has very nice legs. Myauntie  has a beautiful face, and lovely  green eyes. My auntie Grace is also a very sexy sensual smoker. I was about 25 when this happened. I was staying at my auntie’s house on vacation. It was summer and most of the family were spending time outside. My auntie always dressed in tight shorts. My auntie always wore nice fitting blouses. My

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Auntie Got Me Addicted

Thanks to a stupid play I was in back in 8th grade, I have had a major fetish for panties. I was playing a role of an Aussie detective who went undercover as a woman to solve a case. It was a lame part and at first the idea of having to wear a dress did not thrill me, but the night before the dress rehearsal my auntie, who was a slightly plump large breasted woman, was ironing my costumes. She asked me to try on the dress and I obliged. I went into the

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Auntie Erica Catches Rob in Her Panties

For a couple of months Rob had stayed out of trouble with his dear Auntie, ever since he was soundly spanked and paddled after the unfortunate stealing money from Auntie Erica incident. Since then, his behavior had been exemplary, and in fact Rob had nothing but the highest respect for Auntie, and sometimes felt he had some sort of a crush on her. Her combination of beauty, lovability and strictness somehow really got to Rob. Sometimes he even fantasized about her in a very naughty and erotic way. One early evening Auntie told Rob she

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Auntie Eileen

Tommy hung suspended from his wrists in the punishment room set up by his Aunt Eileen to correct her own daughter’s naughty behavior but now used for his benefit.  He had been caught voyeuristically spying on his older sister while she undressed to bathe and his mother couldn’t tolerate any more of this ongoing behavior so she packed him off to her sister’s stern care.   Eileen looked at the boy and licked her lips.  The 11 year old boy looked innocent, almost girlish with milk white alabaster skin and

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Auntie Clem and the Clystere

Mom and I were having breakfast on the patio on a warm July morning. “Oh, by the way,” she said as she buttered her toast. “Auntie Clem is arriving on Thursday.” I nearly choked on my orange juice. “She…she is?” “Yes. That’s two days from now. I thought I’d tell you well in advance, so you’d be sure to be free for her. She’ll only be here through the week-end, and of course she’ll want to see you.” She smiled, and I blushed and looked down at my food”Oh,” I said.

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Auntie and Me

School was just out and it was the beginning of another one of those long hot summers.  A rather shy 16-year old at the time, very much aware of girls, but too scared to do much about it, I just sat back and watched, and wondered. Kind of quiet myself and not to prone to doing things with the guys, not really interested, I liked to stay home.  More than anything, I just really liked being with Auntie as much as I could. This was especially so lately.  She and My uncle had separated after

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Auntie and I

My dick sprang up, hard as rock. My Aunt stood by the mirror in her nightgown, pouting her lips and cupping her breasts, so full and firm, they stood out large, barely keeping inside her lacy bra. Peeking through the door crack, I was trying to keep still, but finding it more and more difficult to do. My Aunt finally moved away from the mirror and to the bed, where she laid down and spread her legs. Every morning it was the same, needing to feel the hot clit against her fingers. As Aunt played with herself,

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Auntie Alice 4

Something was up; Alice had insisted that I come straight home after I finished up at Rick and Caroline’s.  I came back to the house to find Alice getting ready to go out for the evening.  She sat at her make up table applying the final touches of cosmetics.  She wore a light cotton housecoat over her lingerie, I could plainly see down the open front that she wasn’t wearing a bra.  She had on a pair of powder pink high cut bikini panties, a lacy pink garter belt clipped into beige stockings.  On the bed

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Auntie Alice 3

 We got Alice home sometime late Sunday, she was now moved into Gladys’s house using the bedroom where I used to sleep.  Everything went well, except moving her in a car was a real hassle.  Her broken leg was in a full cast from her upper thigh to her ankle.  Her badly broken right arm, was encased in plaster from her arm pit to her wrist.  Her other arm, the cast went from below her elbow to her hand, her thumb was immobilized.  She was in a lot of pain and on some pretty strong medication,

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Auntie Alice 2

Thursday: Alice had already left for work, when I arrived Thursday morning.  I found a note on the kitchen table.  Dear Bobby: Had a good nights sleep, can’t wait to see the look on Jack’s face!  I hope I can pull this off.  Your my rock and I know you’ll be there for me.  You’ve been a very big help to me.  I couldn’t have hired a better painter, you’re doing a super job.  The house never looked this good before.  Thank you so very much!   Love and KISSES   XXXXXOOOXXXX    AUNTIE ALICE P/S   I

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Auntie Alice

TUESDAY: Gladys’s sister Alice was four almost five years younger than Gladys.  Alice, had curly shoulder length black hair, the same dark complexion as Gladys, they always looked like they had just come from a tropical island where they had spent the whole time sunbathing. Alice and Gladys look very similar, except Alice had finer features she was slightly better looking.  Her figure a tiny bit slimmer than Gladys’s, Alice never had any children.  They both had long straight legs, Alice was slightly taller, of the two Gladys’s breasts were a touch bigger. I arrived at

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Aunt Helping

Right before the ice storms hit the US midwest this winter, the factory my wife and I work at started a retooling. The company flew her out to California for training for a month while I stayed behind. I worked out on the manufacturing floor so I needed to occasionally inspect the progress. One week after she left, the ice storms hit the area. Our house was at the end of a very rural road and the lines were completely down for miles. Since not many lived on this stretch of road, the prospects of anything

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Aunt Helen

Helen Strangers was a fine-looking woman in her mid-thirties.  A woman of independent means, she lived in some style in a large Edwardian country house set in its own grounds.  Inside the house was exquisitely furnished, and she was served by a cook-cum-housekeeper, the taciturn Miss Pring, and the handyman-cum-gardener Allan. When Darren’s father got the Consul’s job, Helen offered to look after her nephew.  It seemed the ideal arrangement since Helen lived not far from Darren’s exclusive private school and already saw the boy on a regular basis. Above all

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Aunt Gina at the Pool (part 6)

As if Sunday morning started off good Aunt Gina and i decided to go swim in the pool for a little bit and take in the afternoon’s sunshine. Aunt Gina was wearing her just there white bikini and i in my swimming trunks. When we got out of the pool Aunt Gina laid down a blanket on the concrete and covered up by and 8 ft fence surrounding our area of view asked me to lie down with her and revisit her body.”Kiss me, Chris,” She said. “Kiss me as your girlfriend, not your Aunt. Kiss

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Aunt Gina at the Pool (part 5)

Saturday night was so good as Aunt Gina and i slept together in her bed that night so needless to say we had sex in her pussy 4 times and once in her butt i came 5 times and i counted she came twice.I also enjoyed sleeping with her for the entire night it was a boy’s fantasy come true.That Sunday morning i woke up early and went outside to get my Aunt a paper and came back in at around 9;30 am.I opened the front door of her house and walked towards her room. I

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Aunt Gina at the Pool (part 4)

Note:Flashback to when i was 10 years old Aunt was 38: When Aunt Gina worked in the yard she would wear short shorts with a halter top.Aunt Gina had the figure to wear these types of clothes. It was very hot during the summer, over 90 degrees,and very humid. After the work in the garden, Aunt Gina would get the first use of the hot water. Today Aunt Gina forgot to fully latch her bathroom door. I sat quietly outside the door and watched her undressing through the small crack in the door. As I watched her

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Aunt Gina at the pool (part 3)

  My mind was still reeling over what had happened with my Aunt last night. So much in fact, that I stayed up a lot later than I wanted to thinking about. I thought about it so much in fact, that I jerked off just to relieve the pressure, thinking about her gorgeous body sliding up and down on me. It was a feeling that was foreign to me. Because my Aunt and I had always been very close, and to be inside her was dirty. It didn’t hurt that she was super sexy too! At the

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Aunt Gina at the Pool (part 2)

  I quickly tried to wash all of the soap off of myself as I came back from my heart pounding orgasm I just had looking at my aunt out at the pool. I quickly turned the water off grabbed for my towel and dried myself off and threw on a pair of underwear and some shorts and lay on the bed in my aunt’s room. So this is where she sleeps at night huh I thought. I got up like most 15 yr old boys have an urge to look at what she wears under her

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Aunt Gina at the Pool (part 1)

  I was a young man of 15 when I was invited over to my aunt Gina’s house for the weekend. Aunt Gina was never married 43 years old and lived alone, she also was very wealthy and had recently had an in ground pool installed. I was included in being able to use the pool anytime I wanted granted I kept it clean and was in on the maintenance of it during the summer. No problem I said. My aunt was a very attractive older woman with blondish hair short around her shoulders, her body was

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Auntie Gerri

Women’s panties have always aroused me. I have a fine collection that I have collected and wear to ease my frustration. My wife even enjoys helping me with my fantasies, but that is another story. When I was in the Navy, I was trained to be an electrician. One day, after moving back to my hometown, my Aunt Gerri called and asked if I could come over to her house. She said her garbage disposal was not working. She said her husband had just left to play golf. He would be gone

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Aunt Eva

 I was raised in a fairly typical big city neighborhood. In those days, families lived pretty close to one another if not in the same immediate neighborhood. My aunt Eva (my mother’s sister) lived a few blocks away from us in a 2-flat building she owned. She lived on the 2nd floor and did n’t rent the other apartment because she thought it was too much trouble and besides she didn’t need the money.  My aunt lived alone and never married. Because of that she had to do all the maintenance work herself. Yard-work, paining and whatever

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Aunt Estelle

*** True story of a young boy coming of age in 1950’s small Georgia town. *** I was born in a small town in Georgia in 1940. My Mom and Dad owned the only grocery store in town and worked 6 days a week from 7 in the morning until 6 at night. I was an only child and was cared for by my Aunt Estelle. Aunt Estelle was not really my aunt. She was a black lady who took care of me before and after school, cleaned the house, washed clothes and cooked supper every day.

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Aunt Emmaline

  My Aunt Emmaline practiced petticoat discipline on me from the time I was eleven years old, which meant at age 13 I was quite used to being dropped off at her house by my mother on a Saturday morning to spend what we called a punishment weekend. That meant I had to take off my boy’s clothes the moment I arrived, stand completely naked before my aunt, and let her dress me as a girl. My dress for the entire weekend was nothing more than a light cotton little girl’s frock, pink or white lace panties,

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Aunt Emily’s Boarding House

One summer early in Peter’s teen years, his mother sent him to stay with his Aunt Emily, who ran a boarding house for young men in the north of England. Peter was quite excited, both at the novelty of the trip and at the prospect of being more “on his own” for the summer. He had onlyrecently discovered the boyish pleasures of masturbation, and he waslooking forward to having opportunity to explore them out of thesupervision of his parents. Little did he know that his mother’ssuspicion of his secret activities was the prime motivation for sending

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Aunt Dot

Three months later my Aunt Dot came back to visit me again, I welcomed my Aunt with open arms and a kiss! Aunt Dot told me my Uncle Bernard is back in the hospital again, this time for a back surgery. Uncle Bernard been suffering with back pains for several years, but this time he’s getting it taken care of. Aunt Dot and I was sitting on the my couch talking and talking. Then she asks”Carlyle, I have to pee can I use the restroom”? Isaid”Aunt Dot, your my guest  you can do what ever you want, you

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Aunt Dorothy

As a teenager I would fantasise over my Aunt Dorothy’s mountainous tits – huge melons that jiggled under her jumper as she walked. She was a mature and imposing lady in her late forties, and had a shapely figure, cinched at the waist with wide patent leather belts, which she often wore with flared floral frocks, and taffeta petticoats. And then there were the v-necked sweaters, accentuating her huge, cone-shaped breasts, through which I could occasionally see the circle-stitching of her brassieres. The swish of her petticoats as she walked, and the click

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Aunt Delores’ Panties

I come from a rather close, extended family in the Northeast part of the U.S. Both my mom’s sisters lived within twenty miles of us when I was growing up, and we would see each other frequently. My Aunt Delores was about five years older than my mom. She was divorced when I was fairly young and never remarried. Despite being older, she was the “cool” Aunt in the family, and I looked forward to her babysitting me or spending nights at her house when my parents went out. She was pretty loose with the rules. She

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Aunt Charlene’s Garden

I liked to go over to my Aunt Charlene’s house, and watch her work in thegarden. She seemed to work out there quite a bit, and one day, I was there allday with her, from early morning until late in the afternoon. Wearing only ahalter top, it wasn’t long after she quit and took a bath that I noticed how red she was. “Doesn’t that hurt?” I asked. She nodded. “I got way too much sun, huh?” “You need something on that,” I said. “We have some aloe stuff in the medicine chest, I think,” she said.

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Auntie Ceci

My mom left me with her old friend Cecilia. Her boyfriend got her in trouble and she had to go away for six months. At first I would cry a lot and Ceci told me to call her auntie. She would try to get me to relax and started to give me baths to help me sleep. One night she wore a low cut top and I got a boner. She acted like nothing but kept looking at it. I never played with it but it felt good. After she washed my hair she rinsed me

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Aunt Carol

by Christopher **This story is affectionately dedicated to Miss Juliette Anderson and director Henry Paris, two pioneers, never to be forgotten.                                 ****** ‘Understanding women’ is an oxymoron. You never really understand them. If you’re lucky you survive them. Take exhibitionism for example. Why do some women, maybe even a co-worker or the wife of a neighbor, get pleasure from flashing hapless shoe salesmen or “surprising” pizza delivery boys  wrapped in just a towel? Power? Danger? What possesses some women to perform sex in front of others or even before a camera? What is the drive

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Aunt Carmen’s Scented Panties

My Aunt Carmen was the stuff young boys’ wet dreams are made of. She’d been widowed for several years by then. While she’d been married she’d been rather dumpy and unattractive, but when she became single again she ditched her frumpy wardrobe in favor of tight jeans and miniskirts, which made her look irresistible even though she was well past forty. Gone were the “sensible” flats in favor of tall stiletto heels. No more erotic woman ever lived! To Mom and my other Aunts, Aunt Carmen was the subject of endless gossip. They never seemed to

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Aunt Betty the Nudist

  I was 20 years old and had just split up with my long time sweet-heart of my teenage years as something told us to move on to better and bigger things in life. Not a big deal and I was relieved as personality- wise she wasn’t the one for me and we had enough sex to last a life time, or so I thought. It was the summer of 82 and you may remember it was a scorcher. Very little rain and exceptionally humid. A strange combination but it lent itself to the story I am

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Aunt Betty Takes Me In

I was 20 years old and had just split up with my long time sweet-heart ofmy teenage years as something told us to move on to better and bigger thingsin life. Not a big deal and I was relieved as personality- wise she wasn’t theone for me and we had enough sex to last a life time, or so I thought. It wasthe summer of 82 and you may remember it was a scorcher. Very little rain andexceptionally humid. A strange combination but it lent itself to the story I am about to tell you. I

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Aunt Betty’s Things

I just found this site, and I think it’s great! I knew there were a lot of other men out there who, like me, learned to enjoy the intense pleasure of silk and nylon from “borrowing” their mother’s or sister’s clothes. I began to enjoy that pleasure when I was about 8or 9 years old… taking my mom’s silky things out of the hamper and rubbing them on my body when I went in to take a bath… progressing to trying them on before my bath… then, as I got older, to trying them on when I

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Aunt Betty and Me

It all started in the aftermath of one of Florida’s many hurricanes.  I don’t remember the name of the storm; I was only fourteen at the time, and didn’t pay much attention to current events.  My Aunt Betty lost her home because of flooding, and came to live with Mom and me.  Neither Aunt Betty or Mom had husbands anymore; it was just the three of us. I was not happy about the prospect of her living with us at first.  I had recently discovered masturbation, and was instantly addicted to the immense pleasure my

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Aunt Betty

By BOB  Sitting in my aunt’s living room I patently watch TV.  I was waiting for my Aunt Betty to come home from work.  Aunt Betty was my mom’s oldest sister.  Aunty and her husband Uncle Cam lived in a lower one-bedroom apartment.  They never had any children, but you could tell that they both loved kids.  Uncle Cam would always walk me up to the corner store when I came to visit.  He’d buy me candy, comic books and any junk food I wanted.  His specialty was to buy a brick of vanilla ice cream and

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Aunt B

I called her “Aunt B” but not in any sarcastic way, for she gave me a gift I will always treasure. She was nothing like the Mayberry matriarch at all. Not at 35 years old with abounce in her walk and a figure that caught the eye — and threatened toblacken it — of every man who entered the downtown Birmingham library where she ran the reference section and taught creative writing at night. And unlike Sheriff Taylor’s aunt, my Aunt B had raven hair, worn in a style Inow see silhouetted on expensive cameos, caught

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Aunt Annie’s Magazine

My Aunt Anne came to live with us after her divorce. She had a part time jobas a hair dresser, and was at home most evenings. I had no idea why she didn’t date. She just seemed to like to stay home and read. She had quite a collection of magazines. Some of them were women’smagazines, and one in particular, I noticed, show pictures of naked men with hard ons. One day while she was out shopping, I went into her room, slowly goingthrough the drawers, looking for the stash of nudie magazines she had hiddensomewhere. I

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Aunt Anna’s Lingerie

One summer, I paid a visit to my aunt in Illinois. Now she was in her early 40’s and pretty with short close cropped blond hair. I usually got to spend a week with her, usually doing chores and generally helping out. She was very encouraging of my personal interests, and seemed enthusiastic about many of my teenaged hobbies.(I soon found out that she was enthusiastic about other things as well!)One afternoon I was helping out in the yard when it started raining, and as I was running towards the house, I slipped and fell, landing

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Aunt & Mother

My mother has been a widow for about five years. We have a nice house in a goodneighborhood. I’m an only child and mother and I have always been close. I guessour loss brought us closer. I am big for my age (16 years old) and a goodstudent. About a year ago, mom’s sister Beth moved in with us after she left herabusive husband. At first I didn’t like having her there, but I soon learned tolike Beth and enjoyed her company. She helped mom around the house andfrequently helped me with my homework. Beth is very

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Aunt Alice

I had just graduated from college with an engineering degree and had taken a job in the same town as my aunt Alice. We had been very close when I was a kid as her family lived in the same very small town as I had. Her oldest boy was my age and I spent a lot of time at their place because we lived in the country and they lived in town. Her youngest had graduated from high school last spring and she divorced her husband during my freshman year in college and had

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Aunt Abby’s Boarding House

The following story is true and deals with things, whichhappened involving my Mothers Aunt and me during WorldWar II. I will be 73 years old in December, 2001and havethought about these events frequently over the last 60years. I can tell you two things of which I am certain.First, I am convinced that none of this would havehappened if it wouldn’t have been for the war. Second, Idid not then, nor do I now feel as if I was abused in any way. I had just turned 13 when the war broke out in Decemberof 1941.

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At What Age Do Boys Start Wearing Panties?

Unless your mother dresses you up in girls clothing at age 3, I would assume about age 11 or 12 years old for most boys .  I was probably an exception.  I wore my first pair of panties at age 5. I was staying at my grandmother’s for the summer.  One day, she left to go to a neighbor’s house to borrow some flower and chat for a few minutes.  At this time I saw my chance to go into her room and look in her undies drawer.  Since I’d been think about wearing girls undies for

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At the Casino

Through the years, Trish has become more modest. Perhaps it was the fact that age is creeping up on her, it’s hard to say, but she has exposed herself less and less in public. She is still a good looking woman, even though she’s put on a little weight over the years (she’s at 118 from her younger 108 lbs and her breast size has increased to 36C). I never stop telling her how good she looks and keep on encouraging her that she could dress for her age and still look sexy. She still

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A True Slip Story

My fetish for slips all started when I was 5 years old. I awoke one night to my first raging hard on. I realized that touching it felt good but my fingers or the sheets just didn’t do it for me. It was about 3:00AM in the morning and I was frantic, my cock sticking out of my underwear bobbing and throbbing. I made my way into the bathroom where the clothes hamper was, shufffling through the clothes I found a pair of my mother’s panties. Rubbing my cock with the back silky area of

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A True Panty Story!!

      I remember when I was in 7th grade and my sister was a junior in highschool I would hurry home from after school everyday before my sister got home so I could go in her room and go through her drawers looking for her underwear. I couldn’t wait to relieve myself of the hard-ons I used to get in class  thinking about rubbing my penis with her white nylon panties.      Most of the time I would run home and knock on her door to check if she was home.  When she wasn’t I

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A Three Step Ladder

She answered the door wearing her usual evening attire, an old worn cotton print bathrobe and slippers. Mrs. “B” was busy hanging drapes, and wasn’t sure what time Danny, her son would be home. He had gone with his father to a friend’s house for a game of cards and pizza. I had stopped by to see if Danny was ready to go. He and I had talked about shooting some hoops at the park and then cruising the local burger joints and hangouts tonight. “While you’re here, would you

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At Aunt’s House

I have always been attracted to my aunt. She is rather attractive and is always open with me about nudity (probably because in my family I am the one everyone thinks of as innocent). She would often take her bra off in front of me showing her gorgeous breasts. She would undress completely in front of me and put her night clothes on. She didn’t wear anything underneath her night clothes so I often saw her vagina when she laid just right on the bed. She used to bathe me and of course had to wash

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Ask for it!

Auntie put the paddle ball paddle and the bath brush down on the bed and smoothed her short skirt over her bottom as she sat down. The boy moved to her right side. He could see the tops of her breasts that were bared by her low cut blouse. He wished that he could nuzzle them, burying his face in her cleavage. “Over my lap, honey” Auntie told him, as she hiked up her skirt, baring her thighs. He could see that she was wearing black lace panties. The boy lay

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Ask and You Shall Receive

A few years ago, I worked with a beautiful young, divorced lady.  Ann had long blonde hair, was 5’10”, slender, and had legs that went on forever.  She always wore 4″ heals and skirts that were dangerously short.  In the mornings she would come into my office and we would do a “skirt check.”  She would stand by my desk and see if the hem of her skirt would touch the top of my desk.  More often than not, the hem of her skirt was higher than the top of my desk. After her skirt check,

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A Room With A View

Jimmy O’Rourke sat on the living room couch as he and his parents watched the movie of the week. It was a hot summer night and the O’Rourke’s apartment didn’t have air conditioning. The outdated wiring of the old Brooklyn apartment house just couldn’t handle the load. Instead the 16 year old had to settle for sitting around in his gym shorts and trying to cool off with the large fan over in the corner. The movie was pretty boring, but his mother seemed to enjoy it. His father had dozed off in his

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A Room at Mrs. D’s

When I moved to the city for a job, there was no way I could afford my own apartment. I finally found something I could afford but it was only a room at Mrs. D’s house. The woman is crazy and yet I don’t want to move out and do like her. I was only there less than a week the first time she walked into the bathroom while I was in the shower. I know I locked the door but she came in anyway supposedly to put clean towels in

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A Proper Upbringing

When I was ten, I was freed from my parents, who were violent drug dealers, and placed in the care of my rather eccentric Aunt Martha. Although only twenty-seven, Aunt Martha had twin daughters who at twelve were two years older than me.  Aunt Martha had been raped and impregnated at fifteen, had borne and raised the surprisingly beautiful, precocious results despite seeing her smug attacker go scot-free, and had since given every public appearance of noble perseverance under terrible adversity. When my asshole old man and weak sister mother got wiped out over drugs and

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A Pleasurable Awakening

When I was 15 years old, I was not experienced with the opposite sex and my only sexual experience was solitary masturbation. On a given Saturday morning, “Diane,” a long-time childhood friend, awakened me early in the morning. (We had been friends since first grade-she and her younger brother often played kick ball and rode bikes together.) On this particular morning, she knocked on my window outside my bedroom-the window was open-and I was laying on my twin bed dressed only in my boxers with the sheet barely covering my privates.

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A Perfect Sales Call (part 5)

As you may remember from the last four parts, I had a sales call with a woman client that ended up not only giving me the best lingerie massage I ever had, but introduced me to one of her associates, Gerry, with beautiful long legs and an offer that excited me to the greatest depths.  I was supposed to call Gerry to show her the new prototypes from my company and also to meet her for lunch. I called Gerry to setup a date for lunch but my call was forwarded

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A Perfect Sales Call (part 4)

I called Beverly the very next day to meet again with Alena; however, due to her schedule conflicts the appointment would have to wait for 8 days.  During that time, I reminisced over and over about the day with Alena at work and again at her home.   A slip massage!  How could it get any better?   Being a typical man, I was in bliss. The days went very quickly until our meeting on Thursday and I made sure that I looked my best hoping for another memorable moment.  I’m sure my

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A Perfect Sales Call (part 3)

Just as I was ready to blow completely, she got off me and pulled me down further onto the bed.  She reversed her position so that her pussy was right in front of my face and her head was down by my cock.  She handed me a slip and told me to massage her while she massaged me.  I could smell her own fragrance between her leg as I placed my face on her stomach and reached underneath her slip where my hand felt her silky underwear that was so wet

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A Perfect Sales Call (part 2)

As Alena and I left the office, she told Beverly that she would be out the rest of the day.  Alena told me to follow her home and that she would make my afternoon the most enjoyable ever!  Now, here I am wondering how could anything be better than what I just experienced. All the way to her house, I replayed over and over about my experience at her office.  The shimmering and softness of her beautiful slip on my face and on my cock.  How absolutely sexy she looked.  Her

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A Perfect Sales Call (part 1)

I’m a business owner and frequently I do sales calls to very senior management to help my sales staff close deals.  This past week, I met with a President of an automotive supplier to GM.  I’m in my young 40’s and very active physically playing competitive tennis, so I’m in quite good shape. The President of this company was a rather attractive lady in her mid to late 30’s.  I had never met her previously and was led to her office by her Administrative Assistant.  I was amazed at how stunning

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Apartment Search Gone Wild

I have been in search of finding my first apartment and what happened today helped me make my decision on a particular one. As I walked into the main office of a local apartment complex, a beautiful girl walked up to me and asked if she could help me with anything. As I told her that I was interested in an apartment she delightfully told me that she could show me around the complex and a few available apartments. This girl was amazing; she had brown medium length hair, short stature, beautifully shaped ass, and a sexy

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A Paperboy’s Wonderful Experience

I pedaled a local daily newspaper during 1958-60, my last two years of high-school. Every other Saturday afternoon I’d “collect” my route. And I was a horny seventeen year old boy at the time this experience occurred. Mrs. Smith lived in the two-story yellow house on the corner behind the football field concession stand. Her husband had died five or six years earlier, her sons were grown and gone, and she was alone now. She’d always treated me nicely, and had always paid her newspaper bill on time.

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A Paperboy’s Adventure with Panties & Slips

Attached is a wonderful experience from sixty years ago. I hope you find it interesting. My first experience with panties, stockings and garters was also my first experience with sex. It was during the war in 1943 when I was thirteen. All the men were off to war. I was a paperboy, and the Sunday paper was delivered in the morning. The last stop on my route was the apartment of a very attractive nurse in her early forties who worked the night shift at hospital. She arrived from work

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A Panty Thief Gets Caught

              Don Finney watched through the vent louvers in the supply closet door as Lindsay McDowell unhooked her bra and shrugged the straps off her powerful shoulders.  Her firm tits jiggled only slightly as she bent, grasped the waistband of her black bikini panties and pulled them down over her wide hips and muscular thighs.  She stepped out of them, then bent down to pick them up, her back to Don, giving him a wonderful view of her ass and her pussy lips, peeking out from between her legs. Like almost all of the girls

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Anything To Help Him

  I silently thanked whatever god looked out for teenage boys – thanking that higher power from taking my son in that accident that stole half a dozen other parents children. A school skiing trip – four days of fun away from parents, with friends and only two teachers as chaperons – it had turned into a nightmare. Dozens had been hurt, half of the teens that had went on the trip had been of the fourteen found dead at the scene. Their car having taken the brunt of the train crash.

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An Understanding Clerk

I’m a straight guy who loves wearing panties. Give me a pair of frilly, lacy panties and I’m a happy guy. I particularly love the classic full cut nylon brief in pink, white, or pastel colors or flower prints and while even plain panties give me a thrill, if you add a lace accent or a pretty satin bow, I go crazy. One problem I’ve always had, though, is procurement. I’m never satisfied with a static collection, I always want to buy more panties, but I’ve always been painfully shy about going into

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Another Unexpected Attraction

When we were visiting my mother-in-law, I was in the bedroom. My wife had already gotten up earlier and gone out to do some shopping. I had an erection And decided to take care of it before getting dressed. I got out of bed and stood in front of the dresser mirror, because I enjoy watching myself. It didn’t take me long to get to the point where I was about to come, because basically all I wanted to do was relieve myself. But at the moment my mother-in-law walked in, bringing some fresh

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Another Mother’s Panties

My panty love began when I was a young boy, delving through my mother’s collection of silky delights. I can’t remember the details of the first encounter with panties, that first caress and scent, but I do recall sneaking up to her bedroom when she was out or pre-occupied, and sifting through the pairs in her drawer. It was a feast to the eyes and to the hands. However, easily the most memorable and sensual time in my panty experience was with another mother’s panties – my best friend’s mother’s, Margaret… She was an

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Another Aunt Story

I have a gorgeous Aunt who is 42 and single. I have always had the hots for her. She is my Mom’s sister. I was at her house one day last summer. She has a swimming pool and she frequently told me to come on over and swim whenever I wanted to, whether she was home or not. So, one Sunday I drove over. She was home because her car was there. I knocked and she opened the door and I asked her if I could sun and swim for a while. She

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An Old Friend of Mum’s

My Mother is old, 89 last October. She knows just about everyone and has uncountable friends….friends of all ages. Me, being a single, under-sexed 38 year old (I never married, content to help my mother in her aging years, she is almost blind) always enjoyed the company of Mum’s numerous friends. One old friend is about 20 years younger at a sprightly 68. Judith is a kind hearted lady, much like my Mum. Nothing is ever too much trouble and she is always willing to help those in need. One evening

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An Older Woman

Way back when I was a lad and living in California I shared an apartment with a friend. Across the way was an older woman who kind of adopted us and looked after us. We were in the service and at the time it was hard for servicemen to be accepted in San Diego and she was very nice to us. By older, I mean she was older than us at the time. We were almost 20 and she was late 30’s. My friend had duty one night and I was home alone. Our neighbor had

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An Obedient Nephew

Jason was startled from a sound sleep by his aunt’s commanding voice, telling him to get up and down to breakfast. Sue Miller just burst into his room without knocking as she had done every morning for as long as he could remember. Indeed, she made a practice of abruptly entering his room whenever she had something to ask or tell him. In truth, she did it not to communicate with her handsome and athletic nephew, but to keep a watchful eye on him. A boy, especially one in his teens, might well be preoccupied

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Ann Gets a Caning

Ann had been having a relationship with James for nearly two years now. He was very dominant and had of couse spanked her on many occassions. He required her total obedience at all times. However lately he had been even more demanding and had started to humiliate her whenever he could, more and more in public places. For example he insisted that she wore very short skirts and dresses when they went to the cinema or worse still the pub for a drink. As well as the mini skirts he insisted that she always wear

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Ann 2 – The Secretary Gets a Spanking

It was the following Sunday and Ann’s bottom had recovered from the thrashing James had given her with the cane. Through the course of the week the stripes on her bottom had gone from purple to yellow and now they had almost faded. However she knew that she would have to return to James apartment tonight, one week on, to receive the rest of her punishment. She had really been careless not to check her stocking seams. James always spanked her if they were not straight. It was 6 o’clock. She was not due at James

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Anita is Caught

            I am the branch manager for a national parts distributorship. My store manager’s name is Anita. Anita is 35, single, and German. She is a size six with a beautiful hour glass figure. She dresses very conservatively, usually slacks and a blouse. Anita is very conservative and somewhat of a prude. She has made it known on several occasions that even the slightest off color joke or discussion will be reported to HR.             Three months ago, my boss showed me where we have been losing inventory dollars every month. The strange point

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Anita Becomes Boss

            It has been a few months since our first encounter. Anita has kept up her promise to be my little whore. The thefts have stopped and my boss is happy. Anita now wears a dress or skirt to work every day. I know that underneath she has on matching panties (size 6), garter belt, stockings, and bra (38D). I know the sizes because I bought them for her on our many trips to lingerie departments and shops. Later I find out that today’s set is black.             At work, Anita has loosened up.

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