Sonia's Erotic Stories

Panty Stories, Lingerie Stories, Older-Women/Younger-Men Sex Stories

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Rick and Caroline part 8

 I was alone in the young couple’s home, Rick was away in Chicago, and Caroline had gone shopping.  I had only been over to the house once since the pool party.  So to get caught up on what was happening if anything I unlocked the desk drawer and took out Caroline’s diary.  There were a few entries expressing her concerns about several of the male executives phoning her and graphically describing her vagina and naked body.  They thanked her for allowing them to see all of her hidden charms and assured her that the next time they

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Rick and Caroline part 7

 Caroline had been very upset the last few days she hadn’t confided in me as to what was happening but I was about to find out.  Rick and his boss one of the executives under Mister Pearce were being sent to Japan on an impromptu business trip.  There were a few matters that needed clearing up.  Mister Pearce knowing Caroline’s fear of having to move there hinted that Rick and the other executive were going first hand to arrange living accommodations for a few select employees and their families that were being transferred there.  He personally hinted

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Rick and Caroline part 6

 Caroline greeted me at the back door after I’d knocked twice.  After my outing with the three women my night of appreciation, I didn’t know what to expect.  She seemed happy to see me as she pushed the door open for me to enter.  Caroline must have been in the shower, her hair looked damp and I could see that she’d just started to apply some make-up.  She wore a vividly sheer black top; it was a small jacket of sorts.  With a single tie just below and between her breasts.  From the join between her breasts

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Rick and Caroline part 5

Caroline was out (passed out sleeping off a terrible hang over) I opened her Diary!  July 1969  After the Japanese couple left to catch their plane back to Japan, Mister Pearce sat at the end of the boardroom table studying the papers before him.  He looked up at me sitting in a side chair and asked, “Caroline, would you pour us a glass of that wine?  I’m going to be awhile reading over this deal; it’s all settled except for dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s!”  I must remark up to now everything went well with

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Rick and Caroline part 4

 I was late getting to the house after my day off.  Rick had been sent to their head office in Chicago and would be there for several days.  I thought it strange that he didn’t take Caroline with him; but Mister Pearce had a special assignment for the young bride.  It seems that the company had a big deal going with a Japanese firm.  They were sending their top executive and his wife to close the deal.  Caroline’s assignment was to escort the wife around, showing her the sights.  She would have an interpreter at her disposal

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Rick and Caroline part 3

 The next morning Caroline greeted me at the door wearing the shirt to Rick’s pajamas.  She had on a pair of feather trimmed high heel slippers.  As she walked up the few steps into the kitchen I saw the bare cheeks of her ass.  “Coffees ready!”  She said, placing a cup on the end of the table where I usually sat.  I could smell the bacon cooking in the frying pan.   “RICK!  Rick your breakfast is ready!”  She called out lovingly to her husband.  “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!”  Rick said coming into the

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Rick and Caroline part 2

 I arrived a little earlier than usual and knocked at the side door.  After a few minutes Caroline finally answered the door.  She came to the door looking like she’d just rolled out of bed.  Her hair was messy, she had no make up on and best of all she must have been sleeping naked because she had wrapped a little cover up sheer white robe around her shoulders.  She was trying to tie the feather trimmed robe at her throat as she opened the door.  Needless to say it hung open exposing her naked body, with

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Rick and Caroline

 I arrived at Alice’s old house at the prearranged time.  Rick and Caroline were sitting on the picnic table waiting for my arrival, both were dressed in tennis outfits.  Rick was casually looking over the paper and finishing his morning coffee.  “Good morning!  I hope I’m not late and holding you up?”  I said, remembering that they were to play in a tournament, as I stepped from my vette.  “Good morning Bob!  No, your not late!”  Rick said putting down his paper.  He looked at his watch.  “Your right on time!”  After we talked for a few

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Richard’s Condition

As a middle-school boy Richard was sent by his parents to spend part of his summer vacation with his aunt who had a big home in a resort area. The aunt had experience raising boys of her own. She welcomed Richard on his first solo outing by giving him his own room and scheduling her days so that he got lots of activity. One of the first activities was a morning walk. After breakfast the first day there or soon after she and Richard went for a long walk. It was very pleasant until Richard felt the urgent need to

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Red Light Show

I was driving home one evening at about 9pm and took a short detour through the ‘Red Light’ district, where the prostitutes hang out.  I wasn’t a prospective customer, just get a great thrill in watching scantily clad women on the street on offer to any man who had the money (which I didn’t).  I stopped at a red traffic light and was scanning the area to see if I could spot any of the girls.  All of a sudden, I had this feeling of being watched, and looking over to the car stopped in the lane

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Red Baby Doll

It all began when I was about 12, I lost my father while he was on exercise with the army. My mom was obviously distraught but came round after a little time. She started to get really close to me and I would often get into her bed first thing in the morning for a cuddle. My mom had always worn short nighties in bed and to cuddle up to them somehow felt good. There was one nightie in particular; this was a red baby doll to which she had a matching negligee. I must admit she

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Recollections of a Slip Fetishist

I remember some years ago, whilst working part time in a department store, the plentiful sights that I beheld. Never a shift would go by without me seeing a glimpse of silk and lace peeking from the hem or slit of a skirt. Where I worked allowed a lot of pedestrian traffic, and I kept my eyes peeled for my next heart-stopping view. One day in particular comes to mind, where a young girl of about twenty came to my counter and proceeded to ask me about one of the products we were selling. She was very

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by anonymous My earliest recollection was when a small boy. I had a red cowboy shirt that was very shiny and soft. I was told I always wanted to wear this shirt. Later, I remember my sister had a pair of white nylon satin little girl panties. On a vehicle trip, while we were in the back seat, we would tickle each other and I got to trying to adjust her briefs. Not too much success, I was scolded but I didn’t know why I had an interest. As the years advanced, I began to do some

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Reaping the Benefits of a Drinking Sister and Mother

    Terri sighed. Here was another Friday night, and the fifteen-year-old was stuck baby-sitting her brother again! By all rights she should be out with Bobby Flynn right now! Specifically, she should be in the back seat of his beat-up old car, with her legs up in the air while the twenty-year-old college student used up three packs of condoms giving her the pounding she craved! She had grown so used to Bobby bitching about using the condoms, that she considered it just a part of foreplay. Despite all his begging to go bareback just

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Put My Panties Down!

I walked into my apartment to find the caretaker of my building on his knees with 2 pairs of my panties, one around his cock and the other pair held up to his face. I had complained earlier in the week that the sink in my en-suite had kept blocking and that I needed it fixing, he knew I would not be in that day and took his opportunity. However, I had finished work early so he had not been anticipating my arrival. I opened my bedroom door to be greeted with this sight, my pussy reacted to the scene in

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The Pub and the Train

I have had many experiences of public exhibitionism over the years and I would like to share them with you all. The women in my life have not always been willing to expose themselves in public but have usually found that after the initial embarrassment they find it quite a turn on and are more than willing to repeat the experience. I’ll not record these in any particular sequence, just as they come to mind. I was married to Pat for around 10 fairly happy years. During this time we experimented widely with just about every sexual

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Proper Placement

Agnes, my mother-in-law looked at me, an exasperated look on her face. “What is wrong with you?” She snapped. “Am I asking the impossible, or what? Is it too much that I ask a simple little favor?” “Oh c’mon, Agnes.” I argued. “Jesus! Where do you get the idea that it’s such a simple goddam favor, eh? I’m thinking that..” “Stop that profanity!” She said firmly. “I’m not religious, but I won’t have you talking to me like that. A little respect if you please!” I modified my voice. “I’m sorry Agnes. You

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   Although normally pretty conservative, my wife occasionally becomes hyper    horny, especially when she drinks. The occasional alcoholic drink to her is the    one true aphrodisiac, the more she drinks, the hornier she gets. While I enjoy    watching guys looking at Betty and encourage her to dress in sexy outfits, she    normally dresses attractively, but conservatively, and is satisfied noticing a    man’s approving sideways glance. But when she gets horny, she becomes a    teasing exhibitionist, excited showing herself off and making horny men lust for    her. Betty has a very

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Premarital Exam

Prior to our wedding, my wife and I each had to undergo premarital examinations. Both our religion and our culture prohibit premarital intercourse, so we were both virgins. I had no idea what to expect. Although my wife had had pelvic examinations and pap smears before, she didn’t have a clue as to what exactly these premarital exams would entail either. The doctor chosen to perform these exams was probably in her mid forties, cute, slender, and most importantly, understood both our culture and religious beliefs. She understood the necessity of the procedures, and the traditional methods

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Post Graduation

 After the graduation party, I noticed how things changed with us.  I, of course, noticed her more, and I don’t know if she was doing it on purpose, for my sake, or that she always dressed like that.  Her dresses became shorter, her tops tighter, she wore a bra less, when she wore shorts, they were extremely tight.  So tight in fact that I wondered if she wore underwear underneath sometimes.  I could see the outline of her sex, and the pants in back would caress her tight ass.  One day, I was outside, mowing the lawn,

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Posh Mum

I had never really thought of my friend Pat as ‘posh’, but his mother certainly was. Her voice had the beautiful lilt of the refined southern Irish. Her manners were impeccable. She looked the part too with short, very dark, well cut hair, a slim but shapely figure, elegant clothes and a regal bearing. You felt you had to be on your best behavior in her presence. At fifteen I fancied her desperately despite her being an ‘older woman’ of around forty. When she opened the door to me that morning however, she looked just a little

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Poor Tommy

It was in the early 1980s in South Carolina. 13 year old Tommy Peterson was sent to an orphanage. His parents were killed in a car accident. The authorities couldn’t find any relatives to contact. It was known that Tommy had an aunty but her whereabouts wasn’t known.     Tommy was a very sad, poor little boy. His situation was so traumatic that he was in shock for many weeks. After several months he slowly was starting to accept the death of his parents. The orphanage provided food and shelter. The Four adults who ran it did

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Poker Party (exhibitionist wife)

She was hurrying around to put the finishing touches on the house. She had only a couple hours more ’til her husband would be home and he would expect all to be in readiness. It would be even more than he expected. Quickly glancing around to be sure she hadn’t forgotten to do anything, she grabbed her purse and dashed out the door, jumping in her car and heading for downtown. So little time, so much to do. She first stopped at the costume shop and collected the costume she had reserved earlier by

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Poker Party

She was hurrying around to put the finishing touches on the house. She had only a couple hours more ’til her husband would be home and he would expect all to be in readiness. It would be even more than he expected. Quickly glancing around to be sure she hadn’t forgotten to do anything, she grabbed her purse and dashed out the door, jumping in her car and heading for downtown. So little time, so much to do. She first stopped at the costume shop and collected the costume she had reserved earlier by phone, examining

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by Mike Hunt Right after school was out for the summer that year, I was 15, I decided that I needed a job to supplement my meager allowance (at least I thought my allowance was meager); but, try as I might, none of my job hunting was meeting with any success. Needless to say, I was getting pretty discouraged! Then one Saturday afternoon, mom was having coffee with Ivy Johnson, a very good friend of my mother’s. Ivy had been a widow for a few years and was in her late fifties, she owned a women’s wear

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Pleasant Surprises

            This story is all about a fun weekend that was inspired in part by this website.  My girlfriend found out that I was a fan of vintage Lingerie, and now uses the site for ideas, and that is how the following events came to pass.  We are currently living in different cities about 5 hours apart by car, so weekend getaways are our usual form of getting together.              Not long ago, we planned to meet at a hotel roughly half  way between our towns.  We were discussing details of the coming weekend, and I

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Pleasant Surprise at the Lingerie Counter

I’m a straight guy who loves wearing panties. Give me a pair of frilly, lacy panties and I’m a happy guy. I particularly love the classic full cut nylon brief in pink, white, or pastel colors or flower prints and while even plain panties give me a thrill, if you add a lace accent or a pretty satin bow, I go crazy. One problem I’ve always had, though, is procurement. I’m never satisfied with a static collection, I always want to buy more panties, but I’ve always been painfully shy about going into stores and buying

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Playing with Mummy

“Ready for a bath honey?” Anne asked her son as she stood in the living room doorway, already in her flowing white dressing gown. “Almost mummy,” Sammy replied. The dark-haired child was kneeling on the floor, wearing just his Spiderman pyjamas as he scribbled in a colouring-book with wax crayons. “It’s getting late,” Anne replied, “It’ll be bedtime soon. C’mon honey, it’s a school night. You can’t stay up forever.” “Okay mum,” Sammy said. He sighed and put the book and crayons on the coffee table. Like any eight-year-old boy, he didn’t really like

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Playing Jacks

When I was 14 we went to my aunts house for a vacation. My cousins (a boy who was 9 and a girl who was my age) decided to go swimming in lake Huron. I didn’t have my bathing suit with me so my aunt lent me a pair of the 9 year olds stretch pants. After coming home from swimming. My aunt told me to take off the stretch pants because if I wore them too long they would no longer stretch back small. I rapped a towel around me and took them off with the

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Playing at my Friend’s House

Hi, Im 16 years old and encounterd something yesterday that I will never forget in my life. yesterday I went to my friends house to work on a school project. His mom is very attractive and young. She is about 34 or 35 and has humongous tits. Her tits were 38DD! I love tits so much but never experienced them up close or anything. When my friend went out to his neigbours house to get something for his mom, I went to get something to drink from the kitchen, where his mom was

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Piano Man

I had just finished college and decided that I wanted to spend my last summer before looking for work doing something I had wanted to do since I was little, play the piano. I spend a couple days calling around until I decided on a teacher who had good recommendations and that I could afford. Marsha gave lessons out of her home. She was recently divorced and in her mid forties and she was actually quite attractive. The first thing I noticed about her is that she was always well dressed, usually in a skirt and sweater

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Peter’s Panties

When I stepped into the room the first thing that caught my eye were her panties. Bright pink, they were so different and contrasting just laying on the pale carpet. To say I was stunned would be an understatement. After all, why were they there? This is my bedroom and I don’t wear panties. Well, I do , but I hadn’t worn these. Besides, who knew I wore panties. Then my face flushed with the thought that maybe my mother did know. I always thought I was so very careful. I had been aware of how

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Peter Learns About Directoire Knickers

The year of 1950 will always be remembered by me as the year I discovered Directoire Knickers. Up until then, I had only used my sister’s school knickers, a style called gym knickers, made of a delightful silky material called Rayon. My discovery of Directoire Knickers came about quite by accident.  I was staying for a few days with Mum’s younger sister, my Aunt Hetty.  My sister, Brenda, stayed at home. In the lounge one day, I was sprawled on the floor doing my homework, the GCE exams were coming up and I wanted to get good

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Peter File #14

 When I was in college, there was a girl in my classes named Janet, She was an ash blonde with large, bold breasts, full, voluptuous hips, and a free and easy manner which just radiated sexiness. She was so pretty and popular that I could hardly dare to talk to her; she starred in many of my fantasies and unknowingly received many of my solitary libations of sperm. But one day Janet approached me herself with a remarkable proposition! At that time I was studying to be a photographer, and my skills and interest in the

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Peter File #13

——–  One summer early in Peter’s teen years, his mother sent him to stay with his Aunt Emily, who ran a boarding house for young men in the north of England. Peter was quite excited, both at the novelty of the trip and at the prospect of being more “on his own” for the summer. He had only recently discovered the boyish pleasures of masturbation, and he was looking forward to having opportunity to explore them out of the supervision of his parents. Little did he know that his mother’s suspicion of his secret activities was the

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Peter File #12

====================================== (Editor’s Note: Secondary sexual dysfunction is a frequent consequence of excessive masturbation, and premature ejaculation is one of the most common clinical manifestations. Two complimentary processes are at work: frequent masturbation lowers the ejaculatory threshold and accustoms the sexual organs to non-coital emissions, thereby setting the stage for praecox ejaculation; and the moral degradation of masturbation leads to lowered self esteem and increased anxiety with women, resulting in almost unbearable tension when presented with coital opportunity. The result is a loss of normal ejaculatory control, and a habitual masturbator is often unable to accomplish sexual

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Peter File #11

 In which Nurse Collins recruits Peter for a demonstration of patient care procedures.  Editor’s Note: Every practicing nurse is well aware of the  involuntary sexual arousal experienced by many male patients  receiving enemas. The symbolically submissive posture of the  enema recipient, the forced exposure of private parts of his  body, the sense of personal invasion, and (most importantly) the  intimate pressure of the warm enema fluid on his sensitive  prostate gland often produce a sexual response in the male.  Although the response is harmless and entirely involuntary,  and usually goes away as soon as enema delivery

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Peter File #10

– In which Peter explores the connections between masturbation and spanking.    (Editor’s Note: The explicit sense of shame that  afflicts most habitual masturbators causes them  to seek out (sometimes unconsciously) opportunities  for punishment and correction. Often this results  in a poorly inarticulated desire to be spanked,  especially by a sexually attractive woman to emphasize  the humiliation of the experience. The recent growth of  commercial “spanking salons”, which provide the masturbator  with convenient and affordable adult spanking services, may  be largely driven by this phenomenon.)    When Peter first saw the ad, a small display in the

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Peter File #09

==================================== In which Peter gives a generously-bosomed friend a hand with the milking, and the favor is returned. Editor’s Note: Partialism, the fixation of sexual attraction on secondary sexual characteristics, is commonly associated with masturbatory addiction. The habitual masturbator, accustomed by long practice to manual gratification, loses his capacity to perform normal coitus and may find the primary female genitalia intimidating (see Peter File #05). He transfers his sexual attention to other parts of the female body, most often the bosoms, usually responding strongly to women with generous endowments. The logic of this choice is clear: After

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Peter File #08

 Peter finds the diary of his great-grandfather and learns how masturbators were treated 100 years ago.  (Editor’s Note: The role of heredity in the development  of masturbatory addiction has received insufficient study;  whether nature or nurture is predominant is still an open  question. At the Institute for Correction of Sexual  Misbehavior, we hold that, while genetic factors may  predispose a man to masturbation dependency, expression  of the trait is not inevitable. The development of  unwholesome habits depends ultimately on deficits in  the personal character and self discipline of the  masturbator, and may be avoided by appropriate

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Peter File #07

(Editor’s Note: Masturbation is often called “the private vice”, but the compulsive masturbator frequently practices his habit in circumstances that can only invite discovery.  The reactions of accidental witnesses may lead either to reinforcement of this dubious behavior or to serious legal complications for the masturbator. The his account below Peter demonstrates this strong connection between exhibitionism/voyeurism and masturbatory addiction. — Dr. Margaret Wilson, Registered Genital Therapist.)       The setting is the sea coast of Northern California.  I have gone to a “clothing optional” beach, where nudity is permitted, and men and women are

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Peter File #06

(Editor’s Note: The male’s primal fear of castration is well known in the psychology literature. However, in our work with habitual masturbators we frequently find a counter emotional affect: an actual fascination with the prospect of castration by the hands of a woman, that can be compared only to the attraction of a moth to the flame. At the Institute we are investigating this phenomenon under controlled condition by placing randomly selected males under realistic threat of castration by our nurses and monitoring their sexual response. We find that sexual arousal occurs in a surprisingly high percentage

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Peter File #05

(Editor’s Note: Peter has sought help for his masturbation dependency on several occasions, but with little permanent benefit. This chapter describes an incident while he was in a treatment program that emphasized social aversion conditioning. We are fully supportive of this treatment protocol, which intentionally places the masturbator in social situations where his habit is exposed to others and its humiliating nature may be recognized. — Dr. Margaret Wilson, Registered Genital Therapist)      It was Saturday afternoon, and Peter was very excited.  Tonight was the night of the annual “toga party”, a wild, anything-goes bash  held secretly

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Peter File #04

(Editor Note: We often tend to overlook the physical harm that the practice of self-abuse causes. Although we are no longer concerned that masturbation leads to vision loss, hair growth, or dermatological abnormalities, we forget that habitual and excessive indulgence often causes penile abrasions and other motion stress injuries. The health-care professional should always be on the look out for the physical effects of masturbatory addiction and be prepared to apply appropriate treatment. Dr.Margaret Wilson, Registered Genital Therapist)  The maddening itch grew worse each day, and Peter was finally driven to seek relief. He had put

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Peter File #03

 When Peter turned fourteen, his aunt announced her intention to send him to summer camp. This prospect was far from pleasing to the naturally shy and introverted youth: he dreaded the rude, forced contact with other boys of his age.  He disliked their rough physical games (at which he was always the loser) and their boisterous society (from which he always felt excluded).  He much preferred to keep his own company and pursue his own interests, which lately centered on his secret habit of masturbation. Since recently discovering the rapturous mystery, he was interested in little else. 

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Peter File #02

 Lucy was seated beside me on the couch as she studied, wearing a blue denim work shirt and cutoffs. We had been seeing each other casually for a few weekends, on “study dates”, as I helped her with freshman calculus. I had always been numbingly shy around girls, but Lucy was two years my junior, with an easy, friendly manner that made me feel comfortable. I still could not muster the nerve to make a non-platonic move, but lately we had been joking a lot about sex, as we both began to feel the potential growing

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Peter File #01

Introduction to the Series, by Dr. Margaret Wilson ================================================================ SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE NOTICE:           The following is one chapter in the series “The Peter Files”, a work of fiction intended solely for the enjoyment of adults. Each chapter involves frank and explicit descriptions of male masturbation in a context of sexual submission to women. The complete series involves varying elements of humiliation and exposure, bondage, spanking, breast worship, female nurse/doctors, and threat of castration (but no serious violence or unpleasantness). If you are a minor, or if stories such as described here and below would be illegal

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Penis Cream

(Editor’s Note: We often tend to overlook the physical harm that the practice of self-abuse causes. Although we are no longer concerned that masturbation leads to vision loss, hair growth, or dermatological abnormalities, we forget that habitual and excessive indulgence often causes penile abrasions and other motion stress injuries. The health-care professional should always be on the look out for the physical effects of masturbatory addiction and be prepared to apply appropriate treatment. – Dr. Margaret Wilson, Registered Genital Therapist) The maddening itch grew worse each day, and Peter was finally

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Peep Show With Auntie

It was my cousin’s 15th birthday (he’s two weeks younger than me, so I’d just had my birthday). There wasn’t anything planned, like a party or anything, but I wanted to wish him a happy birthday and buy him a cheeseburger or something, so I took the bus over to his house. Unfortunately (no, actually it should be “fortunately”), he wasn’t home. He’d gone to the Municipal Pool to swim. My aunt suggested I go to the Pool and join him, but I hadn’t brought my swim trunks. She said “No problem.” I could use a pair

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Peeping Tom

It was getting dark outside and George was becoming excited. From the second floor of his house, he looked outside his window and noticed a car pull up into the driveway next door. When the doors opened, out popped five of the hottest girls he had ever seen. They were heading inside to see their girlfriend “Amy”, who lived next door to George. Amy was very HOT and now 21 years old. She was home for the summer (from college) and George had been fantasizing about her for the past 10 years. Amy was always nice to

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It was shortly after my 11th birthday when I made the biggest, most important discovery of my life. You guessed it. I discovered the joys of sex, or at least the joys of masturbation, which was as close to sex as I had gotten. It all started one day when I was given the job of cleaning out the garage. My parents had gone shopping, and had promised to give me $10 to go to the movies if I had the garage spotless by the time I got home. I was moving some

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Paul’s Punishment (part 2)

Paul continued to wait for Ms. Barnes, his college English instructor.  She had instructed him to be at her office at 4:30 to discuss his progress, or rather, lack of, in her class.  He knew she was angry with him; at least he had been on time for the appointment.  He now sat on a couch in her outer office, the only other person in the room being Ms. Barnes’ secretary, Cindy.  Paul had seen Cindy around the campus before; he assumed she must be a student also.  Cindy had said very little to him since his

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Paul’s Punishment

Paul looked at the clock once again; 4:25, almost time.  He was waiting in the office of his English teacher, Ms. Barnes.  He had missed her class again this morning, and had failed to turn in his paper on time.  She had called his dorm room and instructed him to be at her office at 4:30pm, or else face an F for the class.  Paul couldn’t afford an F, not in his first college semester.  His parents would be furious.  Paul’s Aunt Sarah had helped him enroll, and had told him that Ms. Barnes was an easy

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Paul and His Mom

The Robinson’s were a typical family. John Robinson, 48 years old — the father was a well known lawyer. He was a busy individual. He usually was at his office all day working. Kate 44 years old – the mother – was his secretary before he married her. After the marriage they decided that it would be better for her to stay at home to raise their son Paul, who was now 14 years old. His relationship with his mother was a normal mother – son relationship. They both loved each other very much. Kate despite

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Pat and the Rainy Afternoon

This is not a long story, mainly because the events here happened so fast. It pre-dates Pat Swapping by some time before Pat got into sex with others, but only just. This happened on a wet Sunday evening, fairly early at around 5pm. There was nothing on TV and nothing much else that needed doing. Dave, our neighbour, knocked on the door both he and Chris where in a similar state of boredom – Sundays can be so mind numbing. Anyway, he asked us around for a few drinks at 6 and said he had borrowed an

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Party Preparation

By Dennis  It was last summer and I was going to have a party at my house for all the folks who work in my office that I deal with daily.  We are all computer professionals of some sort and there are only about 20 of us.  I gave out the invitations and had a response of about 16 people coming over.  One of the attendees was going to be the new procurement specialist we just hired.  She was young (about 26), petite and very cute; small with just enough curves to be attractive.  Being somewhat older

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Party Girls

   I was about fifteen.  I was invited to a party to accompany a sweet young girl I had my eyes on.  She wasn’t all that interested in me as it turns out, but I was obviously good enough to be asked to take her. Anyway, all the people there were her friends and relations and I was the odd one out.  She wondered off almost as we arrived, to talk with her friends, and left me sitting with a drink, in the corner of the sitting room.    I scanned the room and soon worked out

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Paperboy Adventures

I LOVE the stories that have been submitted recently about women’s underwear, exhibitionism, and voyeurism. I had several experiences as a young teen that turned me onto girls’ underwear for life, and still to this day I enjoy the occasional wank with a nice silky pair of panties, a slip, or pantyhose. The summer I was 14 I delivered newspapers in my neighborhood. I had about 30 customers, and it would generally take me an hour to pedal my bike up and down local streets in the late afternoon to make my deliveries. My favorite days were

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Panty Thief

Chapter 1 Cammy moved as quickly and as quietly as he could along the upstairs hall making his way to the closed door at the end. When he got there he pushed it open with a slight creek of the hinges and then slipped soundlessly into his cousin Giselle’s room closing the door with a soft ‘click’ of the latch. The room was femininely appointed, definitely decorated to suit a teenage girl’s tastes, but Cammy barely noticed as the 15-year-old made directly for the long low dresser against the wall. This was the

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Panty Tent

I started wearing panties when I was only three or four years old. I accidentally peed my pants and my Mom got angry. She made me undress and then step into a pair of my sister’s yellow rhumba briefs. I had to wear them for the rest of the day. Dad came home and made a big deal out of his little sissy with the lacy panties. Little did they know that they set me on a life-long habit. When I was maybe 17, I swiped a pair of Mom’s nylon briefs and jacked off into them.

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Panty Story – Early Experiences

Hello. I have been visiting your website for close to 5 years now. I can’t believe that I am not the only one that enjoys the feeling of lingerie, panties and stockings again your skin. Especially when I wear them myself. Who needs Viagra with sexy lingerie around. Anyway, I wanted to submit my story of how I got addicted to the wonderful world of lingerie. As most stories in this website start out, I was quite young. I was at my neighbor’s house as usual. His parents were working and we pretty much had the house

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Panty Raid White Babysitting

When I was about 12 years old, I started babysitting for a neighbor lady. She had three children. Since two of her children were 8 and 9, they usually went over to their friends house most of the day. That left me with the baby, who slept most of the time. Consequently, there was always a lot of free time while I was there. This woman was an attractive lady — not beautiful, but pretty in a ‘mom’ sort of way. When you looked at her, you could tell that she had a few children. She wasn’t

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Panty Mom

This story is of my most shameful, darkest secret, of how I have seduced my only son and become his lover. Although the attraction between us is mutual, it was my inability to control my own lust that has brought us together. I know it is shameful and wrong, but I don’t know how I could ever stop sleeping with my son now. It all started when I arrived home a little earlier than usual one day, after closing a sale at the real estate office where I work. After letting myself in and

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Panty Loving Principal

Lisa strode down the hall to her English class, happy that the school day was almost over. At 16, she was a junior at Maple Valley High School and about the only thing that was on her mind at the moment was getting the hell out of school for the day. As she reached into her locker to get her English book, her folder containing all of the past night’s handout assignments fell from her arms and scattered on the floor near her locker. ‘Shit,’ Lisa thought, knowing that she would be late for class now

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Panty Heaven

I’ve had a panty fetish since I was 14. My first girlfriend always enjoyed wearing bikini’s which were mostly white and the material was shiny (silky, nylon, satin) which drove me insane. Whenever we fooled around, she always kept her panties on so I could rub my hands all over her panty ass as we were having sex. The thrill of touching her silky panties was like a feeling I never had experienced before and definitely didn’t want to lose. However, all good things come to an end and we parted ways a few years later.

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Panty Fun with Auntie Linda

My first exposure to “panty fun” was when I was 14, I am now 26.  It was with my mothers younger sister (Auntie Linda).   I was asked if I wanted to stay with her while my parents were out of town.  It was summer so I was out of school and really had nothing better to do.  I had always noticed her around my parents house at different occasions and she usually made an effort to talk with us(her niece and nephews).  I think it was her way of staying hip and up with the times.

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Panty Passion Fashion Show

by PantyLover I walk into a lingerie shop to buy several pairs of women’s sexy silky panties. When I enter the store, I see it is only the clerk and myself. As I browse the racks of beautiful panties, the clerk approached, asking if I needed any help. I told her I wanted to buy some panties for my girlfriend. She asked what size and style. I told her size 7 and silky nylon hipsters would be fine. Then the bottom dropped out! She sneered at me and said … “Are you sure these panties are for

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Panty Drawer Spanking

I was at my friend Linda’s house. Linda was a year older than me but we were very good friends for many years. Linda and I were going to go swimming that evening, but first she had to baby-sit a couple of neighborhood kids for a couple of hours. Instead of going home, we decided I should just wait at Linda’s house. Her Mom was at work and I could watch TV for a while. When Linda left I waited for 15 minutes to make sure the coast was clear. Deciding

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Panty 2

This is another story of my law school years. I hope you like it. My first job out of law school involved writing briefs for an attorney to argue in the state Supreme Court. It was great work – he’d give me a file, tell me when I had to have the legal arguments completed, and I could set my own hours as long as it was ready by the due date. As a result, I spent my time in the law library and at home doing research. No, I didn’t have a fancy

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Panty 1

This is a story that is part fantasy and part reality. During my last year in law school I moved into an apartment building that featured several apartments per complex and one one-bedroom apartment in the basement. The one-bedroom apartment is what I had and the building’s laundry room took the place of my living room or front room. It worked out quite nicely as I had my laundry service just a few feet from my front door, but didn’t have to worry about the noise of the washer and dryer because the building was

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Panties salesman and my exhibitionist wife

  By Nicky London My wife, Jilly, confided in me, early in our relationship, that she became aroused when other men tried to look up her skirt or down her blouse. Men in her office would stare at her legs whenever she was seated in front of them. And sometimes when she wore a blouse in the summer with a bare midriff, they would stare at her bare skin, hoping to see her nice breasts. She did not wear a bra on hot days, and her 38 inch breasts would be bursting at the constraints of her

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Panties Briefs & Knickers

My name is Anthony Markson-Smyth, yes it is a double barrelled name and yes I am from a wealthy and influential family in England. I am 17 years old and grew up on the family estate. I have short black hair and light blue eyes. And am tall and athletic and enjoy many sports from rugby to fencing. I have a small confession to make. I am addicted to panties. Over the last year i have gotten aroused by girl’s panties and have been sniffing and stealing them whenever I get the chance. I love the different

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Panties at the Doctor

I have been using female internists for several years, partially for the “thrill of it” and also because I find them in general to be superior to male internists. While I wear panties 24/7, I have always chosen for Dr. appointments to wear a pair that could be considered unisex. My present internist (past 3 years) always begins appointments with a fully clad interview then leaves the room while she has me strip nude for physicals and issues only a small paper sheet to lay over my midsection. For this reason I have stopped making a safe

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Panties at a Used Clothing Store

This particular used clothing and merchandise store is located near my job in a sort of run down and seedy part of town. There are many fine Black & Spanish girls in this neighborhood and there is also a hooker stroll, where young prostitutes strut their stuff, dressed in skimpy revealing outfits; sometimes all they wear are their underpanties and bras. As you can see I’m often drawn to this kinky neighborhood where casual, open masturbation at the right time and place, with the

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Why do they commonly and generally refer to the singular of panty in the plural, as in panties? That always struck me as odd. Yet, now that I am so accustomed to writing panties instead of panty, when I write panty, it just does not sound correct. I end up changing it back to panties. This story is about the only fetish that I think that I have and that being, panties. I do not think that I have another fetish. Well, now that I think of it, I am definitely a tit man. I love tits,

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As I got older, I began to feel naughtier and naughtier. There’s just no other way to explain it. I began taking bolder and bolder chances and actually wanted to get caught in women’s underwear. This idea electrified me and began to occupy my every waking thought. The idea of a woman walking in on me, Seeing me aroused in her panties, on the verge of cumming in her silky soft panties right in front of her filled my fantasies day and night. I began to befriend an older neighbor woman in the building. I had known

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Paint Hero

                    ==           Chapter One           ==           It seemed nobody in our family liked my Aunt Liz. I never           understood why. She would show up at family functions and people           would whisper. I once heard mom say “Sis always got the best of           everything, even boobs.” Mom was right, Aunt Liz was the only           woman in the family with a bosom, and a mighty one at that. It was           almost a right of passage for the teenage boys to have to dance with           her. If they were tall, they

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Paint Flash

My ex-mother-in-law was an Italian woman, about 50 years old, who had gained a slight amount of weight in her later years, but had an incredible set of breasts that she seemed to like to show off on many occasions. She would come to many of our cook-outs wearing a sundress, with no bra under it, and lean over in front of me to talk to her grandchildren, allowing me to plainly see her huge breasts literally swinging and swaying under the hanging sundress. She and her husband moved into a new house one summer, and I

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 I was hired for this company as middle management.  A short time after I was hired, the company decided to change their computer system to a new one.  The problem was that the changeover had to be done by hand, since the systems didn’t read each other.  The company cleared a whole floor of their offices and put in computer terminals and hired temporary secretaries to do the transfer.  A total of 50 were hired and we got down to business.  The week after we started, one of the secretary’s car broke down and she would be

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Out of Mischief

A spoiled 10-year-old brat of a boy regrets causing trouble in an hotel when he gets an early introduction to strict bondage and humiliation from women who won’t tolerate his tantrums. (FFb, ped, nc, mast, bd) *** Bartholemew lay on his stomach, watching daytime TV in a plush, second-floor hotel room. The volume was way louder than necessary, but the 10-year-old didn’t care. Bored, he popped another chocolate in his mouth with one hand while he idly flipped channels with the remote in the other. He wondered where Mrs Baxter

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Our New Au Pair’s Training

It had been five weeks since Anna had come to work for us.  Highly recommended by the agency we were more than a little disappointed with her performance.  She displayed a lethargic and apathetic attitude towards her duties around the house and seem to live for her days off.   Betty and I had talked with her several times,  both together and by ourselves in an attempt to improve her work.  All to no avail.  Finally, I called the agency and told them that Anna was just not working out and that

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Our Big Neighbor

We moved right after school was out. My father had been transferred to another city in early June, and it was decided that we would move as soon as possible. Our new house was in the suburbs of a large western city and there was a lot to do. After nearly a week of unpacking and straightening, it was time for me to mow the lawn and trim the overgrown hedges. The hedges separated our yard from our neighbors. I had no idea who lived there. I had never seen anyone. The house was quiet and dark

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Open Marriage

About six months ago, my husband Mike and I decided to have an open marriage.  I wasn’t for it at first and it took quite a bit of convincing on his part, but finally I relented.  I was worried, what was happening, was he losing interest in me, had he found someone else?  He assured me that he still loved me and that everything was fine, he just thought it would be good for us to experiment outside of our marriage. After five years it had been getting a little stale and maybe if I let him

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One Last Summer With Gram

I looked out the train window at the blur of green landscape as it passed. Going to stay with grandma had always been one of my fondest memories as a kid, the train ride just the beginning to a wonderful summer spent with her on her farm in northern Connecticut. Just me and her, lazing away the days and enjoying each other’s company. For seven straight years from the time I was seven years old to fourteen I stayed with her, and for those summers we were inseparable. From the ages of sixteen to eighteen however,

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One Boy and a Friend’s Aunt

It was saturday morning and a friend Tommy and I were going fishing. So, I hitchhiked over to his house. When I got there, his aunt who was very pretty, by the way told me that Tommy had gone to help her husband, that his car had broken down, across town. ” Would you like to come in and wait for them to get back?” ” Sure, I guess so.” I watched as she turned and walked back into the house and even though I was only 15 years old, I felt

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Omelets for Breakfast

Mom and Dad split for a short vacation, leaving me to stay with my grandmother. That was no big deal; I had stayed with her a number of times, and really enjoyed her company. She always fixed me a nice breakfast early in the morning and wake me up. There wasn’t much to do — school was out for the summer, and neither one of us had any great plans for the summer. We did, however, like to stay up late at night and watch movies on the television. Sometimes, we would go rent a movie or

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Oliver’s Aunt

Sixteen years old Oliver had been invited to his Uncle Jeff and his Aunt Barbara’s home in the South Coast of England for two weeks during the school holidays. His parents didn’t think he was old enough to go away with his friends yet and so his dad had asked his older brother, Jeff, if it was okay for Oliver to go down to stay as Jeff was on leave from work. Jeff worked two months on and one month off for an oil company in the Middle East. He

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Older Woman Seduces a Young Man

This story begins when I was 19. I had moved away to take a job and was living in a totally new state, hundreds of miles away from anything I ever knew. It is hard to meet new people when you’re under 21 since you can’t go to the bar or anything. So I was having a tough time meeting people and was getting quite lonely. Fortunately there was a receptionist where I was working that was always very friendly with me. She was 56 and a short rather chubby woman with

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Older Woman Nextdoor Hanging Laundry on the Line

Linda carefully hung the sheets and clothes on the backyard line to dry. Of course she had a clothes dryer but it couldn’t match the fresh smell the summer breeze imparted to the clothes. Besides, hanging the laundry in her backyard was a pleasant, leisurely activity that she enjoyed on these warm mornings. The only sound was the gentle breeze in the trees and the birds singing. At 57, Linda was, as she often told herself, ‘terribly typical’. She was a mom with two grown and married kids, one of whom

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Older Woman Flash

I had something like that happen to me once. I lived in an apartment building and there was a very nice older woman about 51 years of age that lived down the hall from my apartment. Sometimes I would help her bring things up from her car to her apartment. She always thanked me and would look to see if my dick was showing through my pants. One day she knock on my door and asked me if I would put a new battery in her smoke detector in her apartment. I could tell she had been

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Older Son and His Mom

Chapter 1 Paul had no choice but to move in with his mother. With no job and now no home now that the bank had put it up for auction, it was his only chance to get back on his feet. At 40 years old he felt a fool, but the economic situation and a messy divorce 2 years earlier left him with little option. His mother, Joyce was happy to have him back even if temporarily. There were always things to do around the house and even though she kept herself busy,

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Older Neighbor Fun

I’m 31 and single. I live in a condo with lots of fun neighbors. Among them is a lady who is 62 years old. She is single too and she is tons of fun. I never thought I could be attracted to a woman that old but I’ve changed my mind. Older people can have lots of energy and sexual appeal. She mingles with all of us younger people at the swimming pool and at some of the nearby night spots and I got to know Ruth very well. One day when we were at

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Older Lady Flash

Had good and bad experiences. At a very quiet clothes optional beach there was a lady, mid 60s who was walking by as I was coming out of the water with a hardon. She stopped to ask me if the water was cold and continued to elicit conversation about the beach and such which eventually turned into me and being nude. She went on to tell me the reason she walks the beach is to see nice looking men naked. It was kinda weird, it was like standing their in the buff talking to my grandmother (with

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Older Cousin’s Nylons

This took place in 1966. A time when the fashion called for women too wear girdles, garters, and shiny ultra sheer reinforced heel and toe nylons, spiked heel pumps/mules daily! A time when my fetish for nylons was young and in full bloom! You little pervert! I jumped up drooped the high heel pump in my hand that I had held over my nose and turned around and found my beautiful older cousin standing in her bedroom doorway with her arms crossed. I froze and was speechless. I thought I was safe and alone in the house.

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Older and Sexier

Older and Sexier It all started three years ago, when I was a 14 year old teenager. Hitting puberty not long before I still had the tall lankiness of that age, my body hard with muscles from sports but otherwise uninspiring. It was that year that I truly came of age, you see I finally noticed girls. – Bonnie – It was a girl at school that I first noticed, and had my first teenage crush upon, she was tiny, cute and had a big bright

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Oil Change

Today I had the task of getting the oil changed in my car. One of my favorite places to wear ‘skimpy’  clothes is to visit the local mechanics, they can be more than bold when looking, I like that !! And the attention a girl can get –WOW—play your cards right and you may get an engine rebuild thrown in !!! HAHA!! Today I wore a dark blue pleated skirt, mid thigh, olive green thong panties, a white tank top/crop top thingy, and my black five inch platform heels. I did my hair up, and wore nice

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Oh Auntie!

My folks were going on a three week European vacation and it was agreed that I would stay with my 50-year-old maiden aunt Liz. Aunt Liz was my favorite and we got along well. She was not pretty but had large breasts and a nice shape that I was beginning to notice now that I had reached puberty. I was naive and had not yet learned how to masturbate to relieve the seemingly constant erections that I got. One evening after supper I confided in Aunt Liz that my “peenie” always got hard and stuck out

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Official Dress Code

1.0 Dress Code This document contains the rules and regulations that comprise the dress code (“Code”) for students who attend this college (“College”). 1.1 Introduction This section describes the purpose and application of the Code. 1.1.1 Purpose The main purpose of the Code is to provide standards of modest dress for students who attend the College, so they can have a learning environment characterized by modesty, decency, and dignity.  The main emphasis of the Code is to spell out the two main coverage standards.  First, and most important,

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Office Peek

What follows is a true experience that I had in my office: The begining of last fall, my secretary wore a white dress into the office. She is very pretty and always dresses professionally.  She is a hard worker and is modest about her looks and accomplishments. She had gone out to lunch with several coworkers and I gather that she stopped at the ladies room before returning to her desk.  I was in my office but got a glimpse of her as she came in.  During the brief glance, I thought I noticed the outline of

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The Office Girl

It was the first day a my new job. It was a small office, it had about ten employees. There was four women working there, two were worth talking about. One was a big breasted Mexican woman named Cindy, the other was this very attractive blonde named Pam. Pam had long hair, a great body, and she wore very sexy clothing. I became very attracted to Pam, she always wore a skirt and it always showed off a lot of cleavage. But what I enjoyed the most was looking at her legs, and trying to see

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Office Encounter

by MH PART I  I’m a lawyer with my own office I operate out of my home. My secretary was out for the day on a family emergency, so I was expecting a temp worker any minute. When she came in, I thought that this must be my lucky day! I guessed her to be mid-twenties, tall, with long silky blonde hair, cute – girl next door face, and a body to die for. She was wearing a white silk blouse that fit tightly over her ample breasts. The blouse revealed a hint of a white bra

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Office Competition

  The arrival of Richard Newman in the Finance offices of Thurman & Kite caused quite a stir.  Not only was he tall and incredibly good-looking, he was also, as rumour had it, single.  Most of the women in the office were attached and took no more than a passing interest, but an air of competitiveness immediately arose between the two youngest women: Claudia (22) and Marie (24).  Each went out of her way to spend as much time with him as possible, and amused the rest of the office no end in their attempts to attract

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Oedipal Nurse

At 13, I went into the hospital for a hernia operation. My nurse, Cathy W., seemed old to me then, although now I realize she was in her 30s, not unattractive, just very plain. By this time, my experience with women was a Playboy and nudist magazine my best friend had shown me. The thing I noticed is, it seemed to me, there were only two types of breasts: ones sporting large areola and rather flat nipples, or ones with small areola accompanying protruding nipples; more on this later. Anyway, the night before my surgery, Nurse Cathy,

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“Martin, I brought you something to eat,” Candy said, as she entered her son’s room, only to realize that the room was empty. Her eyes were fixed on the open window. Her son had sneaked out…again. “DAMN HER. DAMN THAT WITCH. IT’S ALL HER FAULT,” the frustrated mother angrily shouted, and hurled the plate on the floor, braking it into pieces. It all started about a month ago, when her son made a new friend. It was a kid from the neighborhood, called Garry. Soon her son started spending more and more time with his new

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Nylon Lover

My earliest recollection of nylons is when I was very young (early 50’s). My Aunt Helen, who lived with us, worked as a secretary at a trucking company, and as such, always wore dresses or skirts to work. I remember that when she got home from work, she’d sit on the couch and take her stockings and high heels off, and leave them there until she went to bed. I was fascinated with her legs, and I still remember exactly what they looked (and felt)like-she had great legs! She would hike her skirt up above the

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Nurse’s Van Raalte Sheerios Brief Story

My real weakness is seeing and touching a woman wearing full cut, white nylon panties. It goes back to when I was just a kid, when I was in the hospital for a short stay with the flu. Late one evening when I had been asleep for hours, a very pretty young nurse came into my room to check on me and my roommate. She didn’t realize that I woke up because I kept my eyes closed most of the way, and got to see her slip out of her dress and give herself a quick

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Nurse Stepmom

Chapter 1  Tommy’s Fever   “Come in here, Tommy, let me take your temperature,” said Margo Edwards to her fifteen year old step-son.  Tommy, home from school because of illness, sidled into his step-mother’s bedroom. Margo Edwards, a registered nurse, held a rectal thermometer in one hand and a jar of Vaseline in the other.  The boy gave his step-mother a withering glance because he knew the procedure all too well.  “Take your pants off, Tommy,” said Margo.   “I’m too old to have it taken that way,” implored  Tommy hopefully.   “Nonsense, we take

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Nurses & Panties

  My real weakness is seeing and touching a woman wearing full cut, white nylon panties. It goes back to when I was just a kid, when I was in the hospital for a short stay with the flu. Late one evening when I had been asleep for hours, a very pretty young nurse came into my room to check on me and my roommate. She didn’t realize that I woke up because I kept my eyes closed most of the way, and got to see her slip out of her dress and give

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Nurse Panties

When I was in High school, this lady Donna and her 2 year old son Bobby, lived across the street. She was pretty, and had a nice body though it was a little chubby, not much at all but just enough that it could be noticed. Her hair was shoulder length brown and wavy. Her husband was stationed overseas in the Army. Donna was a nurse and sometimes worked the late shift and I would baby-sit, often till 1:00 or 2:00 at night. She had a bed in the baby’s room that I could use while I

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Nurse Kathy

*** Danny didn’t like going to the doctor.  At 14 years old, he didn’t feel comfortable being naked in front of other people, let alone a woman, and his mother had insisted on taking him to pediatrician Dr. Joyce Cameron for his checkups.  What’s more, his mother would stay in the examining room and nurses would often wander in and out while he was undressed and undergoing what appeared to him to be humiliating procedures. *** Nurse Kathy showed Danny and his mother into an examination room.  The nurse had Danny strip to his underwear and then

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Nurse Babysitter (part 2)

A few months later I was pleased to hear that Anna would be looking after me again for a few hours and I intended to take full advantage of the fact that I now knew how the masturbating thing went, thanks to her and her friend Helen. When Anna arrived she was in her nurse’s uniform as she was going straight to work after looking after me. When it was bath time Anna just said go and get ready and then you can come down and watch some TV. I was so disappointed that she wasn’t going to

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Nurse Babysitter (part 1)

I had several experiences as a boy which still excite me today.  Once when I was about 10/11 my new baby sitter Anna told me that it was time to have a bath and get ready for bed and if I was good I could stay up and watch TV. I went off to my room and started to get undressed and heard her run the bath. She called me in and asked me how hot I liked it whilst constantly testing the water. Anna said she was a trainee nurse and did this sort of

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Nude With Mother-In-Law

  For about fourteen years, I have been parading about naked in front of my mother-in-law, even though my wife and I have not been together for over seven years. It started when she was about fifty-five, after my wife insisted that I go there once or twice a week to help around the house. The first time happened when I had been cleaning a fish tank and got soaked as the tank tilted. She was a bit angry at the mess I had made and told me to get undressed so she could dry my clothes.

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Nude in Public

Poverty makes you do things you never thought you could do, being in desperate need of money a friend talks me into joining her modeling naked in public. * “How badly do you need to get some money?” Jan inquired. I looked at her “Very badly,” I smiled at her, “In fact I am willing to do anything.” She looked at me and grinned “Anything,” I shrugged “Well almost anything.” I had met Jan for a coffee and a chat that evening after bumping into her the night before in a local disco, we were old school

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Nude in front of my Mother-In-Law

I had to go to my mother-in-law’s apartment to help her with her TV. I looked for a cold drink in her refrigerator and saw a half bottle of gin, which I decided to drink. She is 83 and I was sure she wouldn’t notice that I was pixillated, and even if she did whatever story she may have relayed on to others would be taken with a grain of salt. Soon after I drank the gin, I decided I would strip to my underwear, claiming it was too hot in her notoriously over-heated apartment. I

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Not Your Average Grandma

To the rest of our family, Grandma Rose was – let’s be charitable and use the word “eccentric”. In the words of my mother, my father’s mother was a “nuttier than a fruitcake” and often suggested that she be put in a rubber room somewhere. To me, Grandma Rose was a breath of fresh air in a family that had more than their share of stuffed shirts and snobs. The beauty of Grandma Rose was that you never knew what she was going to say. She would come up with the wackiest comments, or

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Nipples and Titties

It all started as another typical shopping day at the supermarket.   I wouldn’t mind shopping, except that Carl and I work such long hours.   I usually work at least 48 hours, and sometimes as many as 75, except for November and December, when I work more still.  So you can see why I don’t like spending much time on things like grocery shopping. I was mulling all of this over as I cruised the aisles, until something broke into my consciousness.  A very attractive lady was coming toward me.

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Prologue   It all started when mom had hosted a Nighty-Ware party for some friends and neighbors in my house.  Instead of plastic storage containers, lingerie of all kinds was sampled and purchased.  My first sexual experiences came as a result of delivering these purchases to our neighbors.  Since then, I’ve had more experiences, heightening and strengthening my attention and desire for sex.     Part 1 ______________________________               I guess I was just destined to grow up horny.  At least, that’s what it feels like in retrospect.  I thought about sex all the time.  My

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Nice Neighbor Lady

After I graduated from college, I lived in an apartment for about five years. I didn’t like living in the apartment because of the lack of privacy, lack of parking, and other little things; so as soon as I could afford it, I bought a small house in the suburbs.  The house was located in a safe and well-lit neighborhood.  Since it was in a circle drive, there wasn’t much traffic. My neighbors were real friendly, and I got to meet all of them.  There was one lady who lived two houses down from me who I

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The New Car

 Today, I had one of the best days of my life.  I purchased a new car to begin with.  I went for a three hour spin to get used to it, and of course, to see how it performed.  After taking a reality check, I stopped at a major nationwide store and had to pick up a few things.  Having the air conditioner on while driving kept me cool while everyone else was sweating in the daylight heat and humidity.  I went in and did my shopping, and while approaching my car, this woman with a baby

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Nephew Comes For A Visit

*** My nephew comes for a visit. During a conversation he tells me that he has a problem when it comes to making sex last. So my wife and I devise a plan to help him out with his problem. (MMF, voy, wife-sharing) *** My sister called one day and asked if my nephew could come and spend some time with us. Her husband had left her years ago and she thought that her son needed some time with me ‘an older and wiser man’ as she put it. Thanks a

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Neighbor’s Phone Strip

Phillip watched Donna through his living room window, as she talked to his mom and dad in the fading light. After his parents got in the car with his sister and drove away, he continued watching Donna in her yard, smoking a cigarette. The pretty brunette neighbor must have just arrived home from work, looking dressed up in her black skirt and white blouse. Philip was told that Donna was over fifty, but it was hard to believe. She was so slender and trim. Just look at those legs! And she has grandchildren! Everything

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Neighbor’s Panties

Dear Sonia, I had a wonderful true experience happen to me that would be a neat item in your letters section. We have been in a new neighborhood for about 6 months now and have gotten to know the couple across the street from us.  They, like us, are in their early 40’s and have professional careers.  She is blonde and very attractive with a lovely rear end that I have admired since we first met.  I also loved the fact that she, like my wife, tucked her shirt or blouse into her panties to hold it down and the

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Neighbor’s Mom in Great Shape

I am a single guy who is still “playing” the field. I date regularly but I haven’t had a steady girlfriend for a couple of years. My next-door neighbors are a married couple my age, Janie and Eric, who are very close friends of mine. We help each other out all the time and hang out a lot. Last summer Janie asked a favor of me. Could I help move some boxes and backs into her apartment that her mom was dropping off? She knew that I had off on Mondays and both she and Eric worked.

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Neighbor Lady Caught Me in Her Bed

A couple of years ago, I was asked by my very sexy divorced neighbor, Lisa, if I would watch her house and feed her dogs while she went out of town for a week or so? I said sure, I would love to! I had this obsession with her anyway, and just looking at her gave me a stiff dick. She was a couple of years younger than me, and had a nice body. Her tits especially excited me. They were a small D size, and hung low and sort of torpedo shaped. I had caught a glimpse at them

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Neighbor Lady’s Nightgowns

by anonymous    There was this lady that lived next door to me back where I grew up. She was very pretty. She was    early 30’s with black hair and big tits. I knew that she wore nylon nightgowns (seen her in them all the    time). Well I would go over there to help her with thing that she could not do. It seems like her    husband was never there. Any way, after completing a task she had for me, I would be invited in for a    drink. I would always tell that

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One summer day as I finished mowing the lawn I noticed my next door neighbor laying out in her yard on a beach chair.  She was about 40 years old and I was only 16  but the thought of actually fucking an older woman turned me on.  She had a nice big ass and nicely shaped breasts.  As I walked by she called my name “Joe can you come her for a second.”  “Sure Mrs. Walsh I’ll be right over”  She was wearing a one-piece bathing suit that was very tight around her big, but not large

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Necessary Exposure

Hayley stood before the mirror, working her brush through yet more tangles in her hair. As the brush pulled free, several drops of water fell from the ends of her hair, dripping onto her shoulder and down her breast. She looked at herself in the mirror. Age 40. Assessment. She wasn’t 30 anymore, or even 35. Her breasts sagged a bit, but then, 38C was a mature size. Her skin wasn’t quite… well, it was just looking aged. Not old, just older. Not clouded with spots, but not blemish-free either. A stretch

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Naughty Stepdaughter

I came home terribly late one Friday whilst Mother was away visiting and old friend for the weekend. I was prepared to face the inevitable tongue lashing from Stepfather, although I wasn’t overly concerned.  However, it so happened that he had been visiting the local pub and was visibly fuming as I entered the house. He chastised me severely, and as he ranted and raved, his anger seemed to know no bounds. I stood the abuse for as long as I thought reasonable. “I think you made your point,” I said curtly, and started walking away. “Just a second, young

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The Naughty Aunt

   Felix was sitting in front of the living room TV when his aunt came home from her date.  She glanced at him suspiciously as she stepped in the front door closing it behind her.  “Were you waiting up for me young man?”    The sixteen-year-old looked down at his lap sheepishly and smiled. “Sort of,” he replied honestly.    Rhonda laughed and ambled behind him ruffling his hair playfully. “Worried about me Honey?” “Well Jeez aunt, there’re a lot of crazy’s out there and it’s past midnight.  Besides, I don’t trust that Dave guy.”    “And

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Nancy’s Panty Slave

**************************** Part 1 I never considered myself an especially aggressive woman, but in the past few months I’ve discovered the joys of feminine domination by training my boyfriend to be my own personal maidservant! Ronnie is the most servile, most submissive maid a girl could want. No order is too difficult; no whim too small for him to carry out immediately. He hangs on my every word, eager to obey my every command. He is my utter slave and he loves every second of it! You see, Ronnie has a serious

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Naked with Aunty

CHAPTER ONE I’m sitting at the keyboard and the white screen disappears and I’m looking back a good twelve years, to the time when I still lived at home while making my way through college. I’m an educator now, but at the time, I used to work late nights at a convenience store. My story is based on actual events, so there is no explosive sex to be found here. On the other hand, I think that those of you who are turned on by the sensuous nature of nudity and nudism will find this story stimulating. The same goes

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Naked On Display

My wife and I have a friend who comes over to our house just about every Saturday evening to hang out.  Her name is Jenny – she was my wife’s roommate before we got married.  We now live about a half hour away from her.  One Saturday about two months back, my wife had to work, so it was just going to be the two of us.  This is a fairly common occurance, so it wasn’t a big deal.  I know most stories give detailed measurements of the women involved (how does anyone

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My Wonderful Experience With Laura

When I was only 16 I visited my Aunt Laura in Denver, Col. I was only staying for 7 days but I was sure I would be so bored. Laura had just divorced from her first husband and it was just me and her in her two bedroom house. Initially I couldn’t help but notice how she liked to run around the house with no bra which caused her small but nice breasts stick through her t-shirt often showing her nipples. She also liked to wear tight silky panties when she was at home. On

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My Wife’s Slip

Hi Sonia Here’s a true story that happened to us a few years ago. By the way I luv your new photo set ( White half slip ). That is the most sexiest slip I’ve ever seen! ——————————– I love to see my wife in a slip. I love the feel of the nylon against my cock. I masturbate regularly fantasizing about other men getting glimpses of the silky nylon under her dress, and wishing how they could stroke their cock with the silky fabric until they come all over it. Then one day my fantasy came

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My Wicked Stepmother and Her Wonderful Panties

I didn’t really like my Stepmother, but I did like using her panties and nighties to masturbate with. Susan, my Stepmother, was 35 and fairly attractive. She has dark brown curly hair, a 36c chest and a nice, plump ass. When I lived at home, I would routinely search my parents’ bedroom for “contraband”. I discovered my Stepmother’s stash of porno flicks buried in her panty drawer. I would watch the movies when no one was home and masturbate, and since I had to dig through a pile of panties

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My Visit to Hank and Becky’s part 2

Hank finished his cereal and coffee and left for work.  Becky and I sat at the table sipping coffee, not speaking.  She was in a terry cloth robe and I was in running shorts and a tee shirt.  I was planning on going for a short jog after my coffee. “Look, Becky, I’m a little uncomfortable about last night.” “What about?” “Well, I really feel bad about what we did.” “What are you talking about?  Nothing happened.  Oh, no. Don’t tell me you saw my thing?  Oh god, I’m so embarrassed”. So, she chose to ignore our

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My Visit to Hank and Becky’s

For thirty-two years, four months and five days I lived in the same, small town. It had gotten to the point where I knew almost everyone at the grocery store.  Parents or children of schoolmates, everyone.  But, I never had too many friends and, even worse, hadn’t had a girlfriend in over four years.  I guess I was a little wary of all the scuttlebutt and didn’t want to be the object of gossip. My best friends were Hank and Becky.  I went to grade school and high school with Hank; Beck was two years behind us. 

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My Understanding Mother

Well, I wish I could say it was the first time my mother caught me masturbating. But, it wasn’t. And, it’s not like I was always walking around the house, pulling my crank out and flashing it around, either. I wasn’t trying to get caught, but, she had this uncanny ability to want to barge into my bedroom, or need to talk to me when I was in the shower, and as a result, she periodically caught me with my hand around my crank, pumping it toward orgasm. On top of that,

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My Sweet Aunt

  I began to fantasize about my aunt at a very young age. She did not work. Staying at home to raise my cousin she never really got dressed as she did not leave the house very often. She would always walk around in short nightgowns or this really skimpy skirt showing off her wonderful legs. I used to sneak into her bedroom while she was away just to sniff her sweet panties or to find her newest lingerie that she had bought to satisfy my uncle. Their marriage ended about three years ago. She moved into

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My Summer with Cheryl

Chapter I – Introductions It was the last week of eighth grade, just before summer. School let out on Thursday. Four more school days until the blissful relaxation of my 13th summer. My teachers were all sick of me, and I was certainly sick of them. I made every effort to let them know exactly how sick of them I was. Each of those efforts landed me in the principal’s office, although even Mr. Fontaine was too consumed by the expectation of summer to put any real effort into discipline. My

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My Strict Aunt

I was raised in a very catholic neighborhood in a very ethnic part of Chicago. I came from a large family and my mother was very close to her sister, my aunt Paula. In the course of raising a large family of 5 boys and 3 girls, my Aunt Paula helped my mother a great deal. She never married and looking back, I think that she might have been gay. But that was something that was not talked about the way it is now. It was not out of the ordinary to find my aunt at

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My Story (How my panty fetish developed)

(How my panty fetish developed) The day was very hot and I came in from playing just in time to get a bath from my mother. It seems strange to say that, but I was very young at the time, but the events that took place that day altered the rest of my life. After the bath my mother could not find any of my underwear to put on me, so she gave me a pair of my older sister’s pink (or peach) rayon panties. I did not want to wear them, but my mother and an

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My Step-Son’s Education

It was 1976 and my step-son Mickey was 13 years old when I discovered he was starting to grow up. The youngest of 3 children, Mickey was on the slight side at 5′ 6″, 125 pounds, but well developed intellectually. I was 40 years old 140 pounds and a typical homemaker. It was early April when I happened to be cleaning his bedroom when I made two discoveries, Mickey was masturbating into an old towel and I found an old pair of my black panties under his mattress. I wasn’t surprised at the masturbating but the panties

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My Step Sisters (part 2)

  From that day on the girls became even more confident about the   way they treated me.  On the last day of the school term, a   Thursday, Liz told me to go to her friend’s house on my way home   from school.  When I got there I was told that they knew about   the magazine I had been reading and that as I had been using   girls for my entertainment I would be used to entertain girls   during the summer holidays.  They told me that I would have to   learn

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My Step Sisters (part 2)

    The girls who had been behind me when I had been punished   wanted to see what it looked like when I jumped up from the   front.  They stood in front of me and Suzanne flicked the   crease of my bottom with her finger.  Even though it didn’t   really hurt I jumped up to please the girls.  Suzanne repeated   this several times making me jump and the other three girls   giggle as my prick and balls bounced about.  The four young   girls spent quite some time examining my nude

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My Step Sisters (part 1)

  My own Mother died when I was eight.  For the next five years   I lived with my Father.  Then, when I was thirteen, my Father   met another woman.  After a short romance he married her and   we moved in to her house.     My new Step Mum had three daughters   Liz who was fifteen,   Jayne who was the same age as me (thirteen) and little Becky   who was just eleven.  When we moved in my Step Mum told me   that I would be subject to the same rules

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My Stepmother’s Panties

     I didn’t really like my Stepmother, but I did like using her panties and nighties to    masturbate with. Susan, my Stepmother, was 35 and fairly attractive. She has    dark brown curly hair, a 36c chest and a nice, plump ass.    When I lived at home, I would routinely search my parent’s bedroom for    “contraband”. I discovered my Stepmothers stash of porno flicks buried in her    panty drawer. I would watch the movies when no one was home and    masturbate, and since I had to dig through a pile of

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My Step Mother

  My name is Mark; I am fifteen. I just started high school. My mother died when I was young. I have but few memories of her. But Ann is a different story. She is my stepmother. I was a few months from my 13 birthday the first time cum shot from my penis and all over the centerfold I hid under my bed. God! It felt so good; I just about wore myself out that night. Every time I woke up, I would explode a load on some nude picture from my collection.

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My Step Mom

My Dad got re-married when I was 15 and I lived with him and his new wife. Two years ago my Dad got killed in a car wreck. I still live with my step Mom. I never ever walked around the house naked or anything around her, and I had never seen her naked either. Panties and a bra is about the skimpiest thing I had ever seen her in. I do think nothing about going to the kitchen in my underpants, or walking down the hall to the bathroom in my underpants. Neither one

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My Start with Auntie’s Things

My auntie kept her underwear in a drawer in her bedroom. I used to sneak in and pull it open, and run my hands over the neat piles of white slips, bras and panties. The sight of them aroused me greatly. My heart would pound as I imagined myself slipping into them. One day when we were alone in the house she caught me with the drawer open, running my hands over her undies. I was about sixteen at the time. She asked me sharply what I was doing. I mumbled

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My Start

Myself, I started before the 1st grade. My cousin would have me dress in her things. In turn my cousin would rub my penis through the nylon material. I got to like the feeling. She would dress me up in my auntie’s bras, girdles, slips and other stuff. I would hide stuff I really liked. Many times pulling panties out of the drawer to wear under my pants. I don’t think I ever had a wet dream! I never let the stuff build up! I remember the first time I came. I was wearing my auntie’s panties,

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My Son’s Teacher

My eldest son has just completed his last year of High School and as usual, my wife and I were called in to discuss with his teachers his year’s achievements. This scenario has taken place every year of his school life, and we have always been impressed, as have his teachers, with his diligence, acumen and above average grades. Until now. Because of work commitments, my wife was unable to attend this Parent-Teacher evening, and so it was I found myself alone with each of adults who had contributed to my

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My Son and My Panties

How shall I start this story? Well, I guess I will give you a little background on me, my deceased husband, and my son, Greg. As you can probably guess by the previous sentence, I am a widow. I am 35 years young and I have a curvaceous figure that men still look at twice, but I am not in a hurry to find another husband. I date occasionally, but nothing serious, and I haven’t had sex with a man since my husband died last summer. Greg’s dad was a fine, handsome man.

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My Slutty Exhibitionist Trip

  I was in Arizona on a business trip and took a couple of days off to visit the Grand Canyon. After securing the proper Park Service permits, I headed off for a three day backpacking trip into the mighty canyon. I purposely picked a little-visited part of the canyon so I could indulge in my exhibitionist ways. I drove over what must have been 30 miles of washboard Forest Service roads to get to my remote trailhead. As I stepped out of my rental car, my body tingled with anticipation. After spending nearly

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My Slip Influence

Undoubtedly the major slip influence for me occurred when i moved out of the family home when i was 19 years of age and boarded with a family of three, a married couple and their 20 year old daughter. The lady of the house whom i shall call Jean would have been in her early forties at the time. The couple accepted me when i applied for accomodation and i moved in. I was somewhat shy and felt a little unsettled being my first time living away from home. With the efflux of time i started

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My Sleepy Mom

My name is Jon Robert. I’m 18 year old now and my mom Suzy is 38. My mom is so pretty and sexy many a woman aged 25 years old would love to have her body. She keeps her body pretty. She has light skin , big breasts and brown hard nipples, also long sexy legs. I don’t know why I have been thinking of her this way but I’m sure any man who saw her body would like to have her. My dad has his own business, so he has to travel around

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My Sleeping Auntie’s Panties

I was 20 at the time and still living with Auntie and was about to be married the next summer. I came home late one hot summer night after several beers and found Auntie sleeping on the couch with the air conditioner running. Auntie stirred and woke up, saying to me that I should roll the cot out to the front room and enjoy the air conditioning as well. I had never done this but the heat was sweltering and I knew I would have trouble sleeping so I decided to do so. The rollaway cot was in Auntie’s bedroom

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My Sister’s Undies

My journey to wearing women’s underwear began innocently enough. It was in the late fifties. I was fourteen years old and my sister was seventeen. We each had our own bedroom on the second floor of our house with a bathroom we shared between them. I had certainly heard talk among my friends about girls and sex and stuff but I had never actually seen a naked woman except for the black and white photos in one of my friends’ dad’s girlie magazines. About a year earlier I had discovered the joy of jacking off and those

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My Sister’s Days-of-the-Week Panties

I was 11 years old when I first developed a true panty fetish. This story is how that fetish turned into a life-long love of women’s undergarments, especially nylon panties. But first, a little background for my story. I lived in a single-parent home  with my mom and two sisters. I was 11 at the time, my sister Kathy was nine, and baby sister Sara was eight. We lived in a  mid-sized town in the Midwest in America.   Our mom worked hard to provide for us, and she was

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My Sister-in-Law

   If I were to ever say that Renu didn’t excite me, it would be an outright lie.  As a matter of fact, any man claiming to say that she didn’t make him horny was lying.  Renu is one of those women who can make a man go crazy with lust.  The worst part is that she knows it.  By the way, just for the record, Renu is my wife’s younger sister.    So when my wife announced that Renu would be coming to live with us for a while I received the news

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My Sexy Mother-In-Law

I met my mother-in-law when I was 19 and she was 43. I married her daughter and for 10 years we flirted with each other. Nothing more than that happened, until her husband left her for some younger bimbo and my wife died. Here is my story. Let me describe my mother-in-law for you. To start, her name is Leona. She is now 53, medium length red hair, full lips, about 5’8″ tall and weight is good. Most of her height is made up of legs. Her most alluring feature. Let’s just say that

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My Secret World

Daydreaming about panties is what I do a lot. I daydream when I’m busy or bored, or especially when I’m scared or worried and need something to distract me from those terrors. It began back in grade school when I first discovered how soft and smooth nylon panties felt and how wonderful they looked whenever I got lucky enough to catch a peek at them under a skirt or dress. I have to confess, my first fantasies about panties were centered around imagining ways I might catch a peek at the panties worn by girls at

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My Problem 2

by Stockingtops After that first experience of masturbating in front of my Aunt Sarah, she seemed to change.  I would often see her walking around the house in just a bra and panties.  Most often she would be wearing big white nylon brief panties and a large white bra with lace covered cups that held her big breasts high, jutting out from her chest.  Occasionally she would wear a half-slip pulled up over her breasts, sometimes with panties, and sometimes completely naked underneath.  One time I remember her cleaning the kitchen in just a white half-slip pulled

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My Problem 1

by Stockingtops When I was 12 years old, my parents died in an auto accident.  The only relative left to care for me was my mother’s sister, Aunt Sarah.  I had been living with her for several months, when she finally brought my problem to my attention. I had recently begun having wet dreams, but had not learned how to masturbate yet.  And when I had wet dreams, I would put my sheets in the wash immediately so that Aunt Sarah wouldn’t know what had happened.  However, one day I woke up late after having had a

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My Perverted Grandma

  (I don’t condone any sexual activity of adults with children – this is strictly a fantasy) When I was a little boy, my mother would often leave me with my grandma when she needed a baby sitter.  My grandma was about 50 years old, bleached blonde hair (she vowed never to go gray), she had big boobs on a womanly frame, and she always wore dresses… never pants.  In fact I don’t think she even owned any pants.  Anyway, my grandma would change completely, the minute the door closed and my mother had left us

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My Perverted Aunty

When I was 13, I moved in with my Aunt.  Some of the things that happened when I lived with her were unbelievable.  So I’m writing them down now so I can refer to them in the future, masturbating to my memories.  My aunt had no shame.  And now looking back, I know she was an exhibitionist.  She would walk around the house in just her bra and panties.  Her panties were always big shiny nylon briefs, which came up over her belly button.  And her bras were big utilitarian things, designed to manage her huge breasts. 

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My Paperboy

      Like a lot of women, I’ve had some fantasies during my 20 years of married life     but had never had the opportunity or nerve to live any of them until Jeff got     me that fantastic massage from Cindy last month. You can read about that in     my “Massage Fantasy” story. For many years I had wanted to see what sex     with another woman was like. Well, Cindy showed me more than I had ever     imagined. My pussy still gets wet just thinking about it.     One thing that did for

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My Panty Fetish History

1) Mom’s Panties My mom is about 5’4, size 7 and a MILF. I have been sniffing and jerking off in her panties since I was a teenager. My parents separated when I was in jr. high and my brother and I would always visit her every second weekend (we lived with Dad). Every other weekend I would gain access to her panty drawer and hamper for hours at a time so I know what she wore as routine and even got to break in her new panties too. * White satin bikini panty with lacy front:

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My Panty Experience

Ever since I was 15 I was obsessed with panties, and this obsession soon led me to one of the greatest events of my highschool years. I was already sniffing panties as often as I could because I had a lot of friends that were girls. I would find a way to sneak into their rooms, and sniff their panties, occasionally I would get horny enough to masturbate with them and cum into them. But one day, this all changed. When I was in highschool, my girl “best friend” was the single hottest

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My Own Mrs Robinson

A couple of years after the movie “The Graduate” came out I had a Mrs Robinson episode of my own, for that reason I’ll refer to her as Mrs Robinson. Mrs Robinson lived in a house next door, she was divorced, supporting a pretty daughter named Keri about a year younger than me, and a son named Tommy three years younger than me. (I was almost 19, Tommy was 16) Tommy and I would often get together after school and play one-on-one basketball in his driveway. Sometimes Keri would come out and watch our game, and shoot

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My Obsession with Panties

I’ve been obsessed with panties from a very early age; probably the first time I noticed the difference between my sisters’ silky, lacy undies and my own boring cotton “Tidy Whities.” I should probably add here that I have three older sisters, one more beautiful than the other. Mom is rather attractive too; that’s where they get it from! Dad left early on, when I was about 10 or 11. When my parents divorced, Mom gathered my sisters and myself and told us things would be different from now on. She

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My New Babysitter (part 2)

The moment I heard sounds downstairs and realized what time it was, I jumped up from my bed, my mind filling with panic. “My parents!” I yelled, “we have to get dressed!” “Don’t worry,” Debby said, taking my arm and pulling me back on the bed, “just relax.” She put an arm around me. “Everything will be fine.” I couldn’t help wondering just why she seemed convinced that everything would be fine. Yet she appeared genuinely unconcerned, completely relaxed and without a worry in the world. I didn’t understand. Here we were, my babysitter and me, the

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My New Babysitter (part 1)

When I was a young teenager, I was living with my parents in a huge mansion on the outskirts of a major city. My dad George, in his late fifties, was a corporate big shot and he looked the part. He was tall, wiry and muscular and still had all of his hairs, even when they had turned grey by now. Because of his age, people sometimes mistook him for my grandfather. Spending most of his life building his impressive career, he had married late. My mother Nastya was Russian and some twenty years younger than my

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My Nephew’s Naughty Secret

by Elaine Several years ago, my husband passed away rather unexpectedly leaving me rather quite well off financially, including a very large house in a rural Northern Virginia suburb. And, I might add, childless and quite lonely.  I contacted my younger sister, Anita, and suggested that she and her son, Frankie, move in with me. Anita agreed and within three months moved in. Although there was no need for either of us to work, Anita chose to do so, while I worked part time as a consultant for a federal government contractor.  For the most part,

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My Neighbour

When I was fifteen my neighbour asked if I would call round to help her move a heavy chest of drawers in her house. After we had finished she said she would get me a soft drink and then we sat down. Her husband was at work. She was in her mid-thirties and a very attractive brunette, dressed in a skirt and low-cut top which showed off her full breasts. She sat opposite me, on the couch, and started talking about school and things. I could see up her skirt and saw that she was wearing stockings

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My Neighbor’s Son

My Neighbor’s Son My name is Shelly. I am 39 years old, married and I have an 18-year-old daughter named Connie. Three weeks ago my next-door neighbor and her husband were going out of town for a week and ask me if I would keep an eye on their house while they were away. Timmy their 18-year-old son would be staying home and they wanted to know if he could call me if he had any problems. I told them no problem. I had watched Timmy and Connie grow up together since they were

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My Neighbor Spies on Me

I’ve been turned on by allowing women to see me masturbate ever since I was about 15 and saw my older Sister’s hairy pussy by accident one day. She asked me into her room to tell her if she looked nice in a certain pair of jeans. After I had commented, she changed back into the dress she had been wearing. As she pulled the tight jeans down, she pulled her knickers with them by accident and I saw my first pussy. She pulled them up – after letting me look for a second – and said

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My Neighbor Peg

I was the oldest in a family situation that was unique to families of the WWII era. There were four of us but I was seven years older than my next youngest brother. My three younger brothers were born after the war and I happened earlier before my father left for military service during the war. I was a toddler when he left and a big kid when he returned, we never did connect as father and son. I can’t say that my parents didn’t love me for they always were there to give me a word of encouragement when

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My Neighbor Athena

I have been going naked in my back garden for several years (with my neighbour’s consent) so it is nothing new for her to see me completely nude. One morning early in summer I was looking at plants in my back garden while naked when my neighbour opened her bedroom window and shouted down to me. I was amazed to see that she was also naked, above the waist at least, and proceeded to tell me that she and her husband were going away for a few days. (This was nothing new because as neighbours

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My Neighbor

I’m age 35 with red hair, blue eyes, 5’3, weight 150 pounds. I always comb my hair to the side, but I don’t curl it. I wouldn’t consider myself much to look at but I do have 38 D breast that most young men notice. I’m not married and no kids, although I do baby-sit. I teach junior High and have enjoyed doing so the past 15 years. My favorite class to teach would be about puberty which children are 11 for the first class. I baby-sit for my neighbor and I have for 12 years. So

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My Mum Caught Me

I thought I would share one of the times my mum caught me. Although she did catch me a few times, this is the most memorable. I was 15 and my parents had separated. My mum had a couple of jobs. At her day job she worked in an office and would always wear a skirt and blouse or a dress with heels and tights. Her second job was working in a bar 3 nights a week. It was on these nights that I had my chance to dress up. I would

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My Much Older Woman

I don’t know which is more strange, writing this story, or that it actually took place.  It’s about my mother-in-law.  It’s about a fantasy that accidentally became a reality. My wife, Chris, and I visit her mother quite often since she’s on her own for many years.  While the drive to her house is a long one, my wife insists on visiting Kate, who is 74 years old and widowed for many years.  She is a pleasant enough, non-engaging dumpling of an elder.  Certainly the last kind of

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My Mother, Susan

I remember the day exquisitely well. The days – no the months and years before it – are wrapped in some soft-focus, cotton-candy memory, but that day snaps into sharp focus with a clarity that is the result of moments of great impact long remembered. For all those years, my mother was my Mom. Then one day she became a woman. More importantly, she suddenly became a sexy woman. An extremely desirable woman. I didn’t – that day at any rate – suddenly become a profligate. It was to

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My Mother’s Friend Showed Me

Since I was twelve years old, masturbation has become a daily routine for me. My story happened when I was sixteen. By then I was a new student at a boarding-school for boys far from home in the mountains. I was very interested in girls but apart from some petting was not very experienced in sexual matters. My mother was visiting me over the weekend and stayed in a private house of a distant friend who’s name was Christine. She was a very good looking woman of 38 years, that was married to a marine captain. My

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My Mother-Out-Law

It was early on a Wednesday morning after my wife had gone to work. I got out of bed, wearing only a t-shirt, and headed into the laundry room to get some shorts. I would have to dress before going upstairs to the kitchen for coffee. My Mother-in-Law had spent the night, and I expected her to be at the table, already buzzing with coffee and late-breaking news. She had stayed up late with Janet and I, drinking and talking. With her years of experience as a foreign

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My Mother-In-Law’s New Nightie

I was married young. I was a month short of 21 years old and my wife was 19. We had been engaged for some months but both our parents asked us to wait to finish college and get a secure job before getting married. However, our doctor changed all that because he made a very bad diagnosis and said that Margaret, my fiancé, was pregnant. That came as one heck of a shock as her periods had been regular, but he told us that it was still possible to be pregnant and

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My Mother in Law’s Hidden Assets

I just had to write about this one. If you had one word to describe my mother-in-law the word would be prude. She is a great mother-in-law and an even better grandmother but I never knew she took such care in trying to hide her assets. What I mean by this is her huge boobs. I always thought that she was rather lacking in that department. My wife has big ones and of course that means nothing genetically, but my sister-in-laws are all well endowed too. One time this last summer the in-laws were over visiting my

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My Mother-In-Law Joanne

Since I met her, I have been dying to seduce my mother in law. When Cathy first introduced me to her mom, I was blown away. Where Cathy was tall and slender, her mom (Joanne) was stocky & big-boned. Where Cathy had long light brown hair, Joanne had short dark brown hair. Where Cathy had nice 34Cs, Joanne had very large breasts (found out later they were 38Ds). Both had freckles, button noses, dark brown eyes and small feet. Cathy had cute crooked teeth; Joanne’s teeth were straight. Cathy enjoyed sex. I wasn’t sure how Joanne felt

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My Mother-in-Law is So Hot!

I am 30 years old. I got married to a wonderful woman a few years ago and everything is going great with our marriage. There is, however, one little item that I should mention. My wife’s mother is absolutely HOT! Her name is Racine. Racine is 50 years old, but she looks more like 40 years old. She has zero body fat. She has short blonde hair and a perfect smile. Over the years, she has always flirted with me but I didn’t think anything of it. Then my wife started telling me stories about her

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My Mother-in-Law (10)

 Gladys and Pete were doing some interesting talking lately on their dates.  They were talking about living together in marriage.  Questions like ‘What if we got married where would we live?’  With Gladys living in Canada and Pete the United States, they had some serious considerations.  Gladys had been phoning around trying to get some answers to their questions but found she was being put on hold and forgotten.  It was becoming obvious that she had to go in person and talk to the right people.  The government offices in Toronto were giving her the run around

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My Mother-in-Law (9)

 Sunday afternoon, Paula and I came back to her house so we could change, we were going out to eat at a nice restaurant in Niagara Falls.  While Paula was taking a bath, Gladys pulled me aside taking me out onto her patio.  Where neither Paula or Alice could hear.  “Bob, I got it!”  She exclaimed.  At first I thought she had some kind of an idea to get us out of the mess we were in.  Looking blank, ready to hear her idea, I said.  “Okay, let’s hear it!?”  “NO SILLY!…  MY PERIOD!  I’M NOT PREGNANT!” 

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My Mother-in-Law (8)

 I agreed to accompany Gladys, to a company office picnic and pool party.  It was to be held at the owner’s house.  He was a divorced man of about fifty years old.  Being new with the company, Gladys didn’t feel she should miss the party.  She made arrangements for her other sister Vicki, to sit with her younger sister Alice.  We all needed a break from Alice’s demanding attention.  Gladys, wasn’t going to attend if she had to go alone.  So, holding the door open to the nineteen sixty six yellow Corvette convertible that I had just

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My Mother-in-Law (7)

 Friday morning came, I was dead tired, I could hardly wake up to take Paula to work.  I’d tossed and turned all night dreaming about my ordeal with Alice at the hospital.  I threw on a pair of shorts and a clean T-shirt and staggered out to my car to drive Paula to the hospital.  I wanted to get an early start, so I could finish painting Alice’s kitchen and bathroom, before it got too hot.  I didn’t have the energy, I needed more sleep.  So I drove back to the house and took off my shorts

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My Mother-in-Law (6)

I had returned to work after the summer shut down, we were swamped with orders and had to work long hours.  The factory had closed for two weeks at the beginning of June, we had the long hot summer to work through.  One night about eight o’clock I could smell a strange odor, a chemical smell.  Suddenly from near the paint line there was a large bright orange flash and fire ball.  I was knocked backwards from the explosion, I was stunned.  The building filled with thick black smoke, it was impossible to see any farther than

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My Mother-in-Law (5)

            During one of our conversations I learned that Gladys loved to go fishing with her husband when he was alive, they used to rent a boat and go out on Lake Erie.  I’d never fished at the place where Gladys and Nick used to go but I was familiar with Long Point Bay and Turkey Point down the lake farther.  After asking Gladys, if she could go the next Saturday I started to make the arrangements.  Several problems soon cropped up.  Paula had to work that weekend, she was on twelve hour afternoon shifts, she thought

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My Mother-in-Law (4)

 I was outside wiping my car with a damp cloth getting the dust off the paint when Gladys came out.  She stood on the porch in the sunlight.  “Well, what do you think?”  I whistled a loud wolf whistle at her as I stood admiring her.  “You look fantastic, god, all that just to deceive an old fart!”  I said looking at her approvingly, also checking for any flaws.  The only thing I could see wrong was the yellow dress needed a slip underneath, I could make out the outline of her underwear effortlessly.  Just the slightest

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My Mother-in-Law (3)

 A few days later, after going back to the office, Gladys, came home and was very disturbed.  The first thing she did was get the bottle of Rye out from under the counter and pour herself a very generous helping.  She sat at the kitchen table smoking and sipping back the whiskey weakly mixed with ginger ale.  Being a hot early summers day, the mercury was much higher than normal for the time of the year.   I sat to her side trying to make small talk but Gladys was too preoccupied in her own thoughts to keep

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My Mother-In-Law (2)

 Things between Paula and Bob weren’t going too well over the next few weeks.  Bob was looking around and was seeing a girl in Kitchener.  Paula and her friend Mary came looking for Bob one Sunday afternoon, after stopping at his house and his mother telling Paula to find someone else, that Bob was unreliable, they tried the roller rink, and found Bob and myself.  Bob started talking to Mary, and soon they took off out to the parking lot to her car.  Feeling sorry for Paula, I filling her in on Bob and offered her a

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My Mother-in-Law (1)

 I had just taken delivery of a brand new ’68 Camero, and my best friend Bob and I were cruising looking for some girls.  Suddenly I had a brain wave.  “Hey, Bob, want to go bowling?”  I said turning my car down the main street of the city where we live.  “Sure, I’m game!”  He said spying two girls walking down the street.  “Hey, pull over!”   I pulled up beside the girls and he rolled the window down.  Before he could speak we realized the girls were jail bait.  Giggling we pulled away from the curb.

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