Sonia's Erotic Stories

Panty Stories, Lingerie Stories, Older-Women/Younger-Men Sex Stories

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Anita and Gina

            It has now been six months since Anita confessed to stealing inventory. All that time, she has become my personal sex slave. Her new assignment; Seduce my wife Gina.             Gina and I have season tickets to the local theater. As one local play was coming near, I informed Gina that I would miss the show. I was being called out of town for a conference by my boss. I suggested that she invite Anita, my store manager, to keep from wasting the ticket. Of course, Anita was already waiting for the call

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A Night at the Pool Hall

*** I am an exhibitionist. My husband loves to “dare” me to show off, and I love to do what he dares me to do. One night at our favorite pool hall, he dared me to unbutton my blouse while we played pool. Then he dared me to show off for the crowd by dancing and revealing my 36 DD breasts. I did exactly what he asked and that led to an interesting night at our home with our waitress and two young guys who enjoyed our show.

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Angelique’s Panties

Angelique and her family went away on a two week holiday during this festive season and she asked me to keep a check on her house and remove all mail and distribution pamphlets from her mail box whilst she is away. The key to her house was provided. When Angelique asked me to look after her house my mind very quickly wandered and I immediately had thoughts about her panty collection. I was very excited by the prospect and the opportunity availed me to look through her lingerie draw once again. Angelique had been gone

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An Extraordinary Old Woman, A Willing Young Man

I could barely walk by the time I made it to the doctor’s office, or ‘surgery’ as they called it. An old woman sat behind a desk doing some paperwork. ‘Can I help ye?’ she said in the thick accent of the Scottish islands. ‘Would it be possible to see the doctor right away?’ I asked. ‘What’s yere problem then?’ she asked, staring at me with huge blue eyes through large round glasses. ‘I have a pain in my groin.’ I said. ‘Are you the doctor?’ ‘Aye, I am.’ She

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A New Peter

A New Peter 1 Mrs. Veckly could hardly sleep that night. After her discussion with Mrs. Bradford, her accountant, the day before, she finally felt she was going to get some control over her twelve-year-old son, Peter. Peter was going to find his new place in the family as well. In their casual conversation, Mrs. Veckly had mentioned that she was having some trouble getting Peter to behave. Mrs. Bradford seemed unusually interested in this and offered some advice. According to Mrs. Bradford, Peter needed to be raised

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A New Learning Experience

My relationship with my two aunties had always been filled with sexual overtones for as long as I can remember, with references made to how I would always be trying to sneak a look at my aunties’ stocking tops and lacy panties whenever I could. However, things began to take a more serious turn when I heard my mother telling them how she had caught me wanking into a pair of her panties and my aunties from then on seemed to provide me with many more opportunities to get a good

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A New Kind of Bridge Game

“Whoa, Whoa, who’s the new kid?” Betty said turning to the three other ladies seated at the picnic table. “Billy, he’s here to fix whatever goes wrong in this place,” said Wendy looking up from her sandwich. The four ladies ate lunch every day at the picnic table outside the daycare where they all worked. They were all great friends and enjoyed their daily girl-talk even through there wasn’t a one of them under the age of forty. “Well, we’ve finally got someone to take care of all the little

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A New Adventure

1    Laura I’d like to start my story by introducing myself to you.  My name is Laura and the fact that you are reading this article in a subscription singles magazine, it tells me you may be looking for a partner to share in a passing social engagement.   The reason I am writing this is because I am intrigued at what possibilities there may be out there for me to have a little fun in my life since my dear husband passed away some months ago.  I have been

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An “Aunties Panties” Story

The first time I ever jerked off was quite the awakening. I remember it clearly. Within a day or two of my first wet dream, yes I’ve had a couple, I was sorting laundry. I came across a pair of my auntie’s satin panties. Now these weren’t the little things that show a lot of leg or ass. In fact they were big ol’ briefs. Pink with lace trim around the waist. Holding them in my hand, I ran my fingers over the soft fabric thinking to myself where this special garment was worn. I began to

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Anal Temperature

When I was 15 I felt sick. My aunt said she would take my temperature. She put the thermometer in my mouth and came back a few minutes later. She said it did not register and that she wanted to put it in my rectum. I said OK. I was already used to my aunt seeing me nude when she took me to the doctor. My cock immediately became erect. I removed the covers. My cock was making a tent in my pajamas. She said remove your

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Anal Anita

I’ve always liked a little backdoor action. Only, a lot of women don’t like it like that. Unfortunately, my wife turned out to be one of those that didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, in every other way Cindy is a great piece of ass; but when it comes to “ass,” well we tried it (at my suggestion) a couple of times, and it just didn’t turn her on. For a long time I just ignored my urgings for butt booty, and Cindy kept me quite content with other exotic sex.

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Amy’s Yummy Panties

When I was sixteen I was on a trip and just so happened to have a room in a condo right across the hall from Amy’s. Amy was sixteen as well and I had a huge crush on her at the time but was too scared to act on it, as she was extremely pretty. She had brown hair and brown eyes, a cute smile, olive colored skin, and an amazing body. She was very athletic with long and shapely legs, had one of the tightest asses I have ever seen, and her breasts were

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A Mother’s Discovery

Arresting the Slide    It is a natural condition that a predator doesn’t always choose the prey. More often than not, the prey chooses itself, or rather, gets itself into a situation whereby its ultimate demise is assured.  The individual predator that effects the eventual `kill’ is merely that which fate has determined is the closest at the time.  However, it would be fair to say that the theory loses its simplicity when humans are involved, because while the prey still chooses itself, more often than not, the predator has the wit and will to ensure

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A “Mom’s Panties” Panty Story

The first time I ever jerked off was quite the awakening. I remember it clearly. Within a day or two of my first wet dream, yes I’ve had a couple, I was sorting laundry. I came across a pair of my mother’s satin panties. Now these weren’t the little things that show a lot of leg or ass. In fact they were big ol’ briefs. Pink with lace trim around the waist. Holding them in my hand, I ran my fingers over the soft fabric thinking to myself where this special garment was worn. I began to

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Amazing Grace

Appearances can be deceptive. When I reread this story, I realised that the opening sentence could give completely the wrong impression. You know how it is with a story, you want to grab the reader’s attention straight away, so you say something a little off-track to try and make him or her carry on reading. However, I must make this clear – although this story contains sex, in fact it’s mainly about sex, there is no incest and no under age sex involved. Sorry if that’s a disappointment to some readers, but

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A Massage from Mother

“Oh, that’s too bad,” I heard my mother say, “Maybe next week?” I could tell she was disappointed. My mother’s weekly massage was an important time in her week, and I hated to see her disappointed. “I can give you a massage!” I said, as she set the phone down. “I know I’m small, but I can do it.” My mother looked at me with a shy smile. She was so beautiful, with auburn hair and bright blue eyes, and breasts that filled out the tight blouse that was tucked into her mini skirt. Even at the age of

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A Massage for Mom

I remember my mom’s friend Beth used to come over twice a week and give mom a massage. After that mom would give her a massage. They both undressed for the massage, but covered their buttocks with a towel. I used to come and go as I pleased and they seemed to think nothing of an eleven year old seeing them partially nude. Some days I would sit and watch as they massaged each other from head to feet. When I was twelve, I used to watch more frequently. I was

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Alternative Therapy

I have always enjoyed exposing myself to different women other than my wife and she knows of the pleasure I get from doing this. Especially to her mother. My mother in law is an alternative therapist and does massage and colonic irrigation. Last year my wife said she was going to do something different for my birthday and treated me to a day at her mother’s place. I arrived at the reception and the receptionist said I was the only client booked for the afternoon. My MIL came out and took me into a

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A Loving Mother

I am not sure how to begin this story. But Jeremy, my 11 year old son, has been becoming increasingly bold in his curiosity. We have never made any big deal out of nudity in our family, and I always felt it was important to answer his questions fully and honestly, but not to give more information than he really wants or needs I vowed long ago that I would not infect my son with the sense of shame that so many of us have over sex. Jeremy just turned 11.

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A Loving Grandmother

I was 18 when my Grandfather on my Mothers side passed away. They were not well off by any means, neither was my family. My dad went to help out after the funeral making arrangements to sell her trailer and car, Gramma wouldn’t need them since she was now going to move in with us. We lived in a 3-bedroom house, Mom and Dad’s room on the far side from my bedroom and my 2 sisters’ in the middle. Well, I was concerned about the sleeping arrangements now, knowing math I did

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A Love of Lingerie

Part 1 When I was young, I was playing at a friends house for the afternoon. It was the Summer in the late 1970’s.  My friend was playing outside. I was inside reading a comic on the sofa, when my friends Mum had a group of two or three others Mums come to the front door. They had been out shopping for lingerie. I think it was M+S as I remember the green and gold carrier bags.  They drew the curtains and two of them began undressing.  I watched them unbutton

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A Lousy Time

I feel the need to say from the start I always thought my mom was the best. It might not be cool for me as a 13 year old to say his mom is great but really she has totally been there for me even when dad died. That doesn’t mean she is perfect. I mean she has always been a psycho when it comes to being clean and bugs totally freak her out. She always kept our house so clean you could eat off the floor. Before she would

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Almost Caught

By Bob  I hadn’t seen my mother-in-law lately; with a very pregnant wife I was incredibly horny.  Gladys had a cocktail party scheduled for tonight, so I felt the coast was clear to ransack her dirty clothes hamper.  I made a lame excuse to get out of the house; although my wife didn’t mind she wanted to lay down.  So I slipped over to my mother-in-law’s farm. After a quick drive-by I parked on a side road and cut through the back of her property sticking to the fence line and up to the house.  Using

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Allison and Kathy

Allison always managed to look smart and sophisticated. Her long brown hair gleamed in the bright lights as she walked through the mall towards the lingerie store that she owned with her business partner Kathy.  Their investment in the store was now starting to pay off very well.  They managed it efficiently and they had hired just the right sort of women to work there.  The sales staff never showed any surprise to some of the requests that came from their clients.  The clients were many and varied; women and men both frequented this wonderfully stocked

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All About Jack

I was home one day when the doorbell rang. JACK was in a hurry to collect for the newspaper. Jack was a great newspaper boy. Always delivered on time, in mint condition, and right on the door mat. Easy to get my paper in the morning. Since its so near the door, I could ‘ve opened the door naked and retrieved the paper, nobody would see me. Jack was a teenage boy, seemed to old to be a paperboy, still only 14 the neighborhood girls say. I peeked out the

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Alexis My Mother-In-Law

Alexis never really started to look good until she got her second divorce and my wife and I had her come over more often since she relocated closer to our apartment. She was forty-four years old and had the best butt in jeans I had ever saw. My wife has a great ass and I could see where she got it from. Alex, as my mother-in-law liked to be called, was four inches over five feet and had big, full, and still firm breasts. My sister-in-law took after her mom in that department while my wife got

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Alex Gets Examined

“Alex Ruttingham?” the secretary called out, her eyes scanning the waiting room. “You’re up, sweetie,” a tall woman with a stylish, short red haircut whispered to the boy beside her. He looked at her with imploring eyes: Mom, come with me. But she shook her head, gently reinforcing what had already been decided. “Remember what we talked about, honey. This is something all boys go through, without their moms. All your friends will do it, too.” “But do I have to be first?” His Mom brushed the honey-colored hair from her

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A Lesson With Mrs. Rumsey

When I was growing up in the Sixties, the petticoat or slip was a normal part of every woman’s attire, and even in primary school I remember the inexplicable excitement I felt whenever I got a glimpse of creamy lace and silk under the hem of Miss Nielsen’s skirt. I first started to learn about sex by reading the problem page of my mother’s magazine, Women’s Own, (in those days I read anything and everything I could find) and soon developed an interest in the magazine’s lingerie advertisements as well. Later on I learnt to

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A Kind of Exhibitionism

Reading these stories reminded me of an involuntary show I put on for the benefit of my aunt and two friends of her’s. I was 10 years old at the time,naked, bent over my mother’s lap being spanked with a wooden hair brush. The women had a bridge game scheduled at our house, and my aunt was the first to arrive. She parked her car in our back driveway, opened the rear door, and walked in unanounced. Naturally as soon as she was in the house, she could hear the crack of the hair brush on

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Aisle 6, Ma’am

We do our grocery shopping online thru the PC. We just click the mouse a few times here and there and then 3 hours later the groceries are delivered straight to the house. We get all the discounts as in-store shoppers and it saves a load of time. However, when you shop for four people you always find yourself running out to get another bag of groceries at the Stop & Shop.  So there I was on Wednesday around Noontime looking for the Pop Tarts in aisle 4. It was sunny and warm (at least for

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Airport Flasher

My husband, (always the inventive one), thought up a situation where I could let other men look up my skirt.  He decided an airport would be a perfect place.  There are lots of chairs and escalators and the men there would be going someplace so they would be perfect to give a quick peek to.  He laid out one of my shorter halter dresses for me to wear along with a pair of nude color, crotchless pantyhose and heels.  The halter top of the dress fit pretty loose on the sides and as I moved it

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12th Birthday Medical Exam (part 3)

In Chapter 1, we met Family Practice Doctor Marcy Harris. The 52 year old woman with two grown children of her own was a respected Doctor that gave thorough exams. On this particular morning, she reviewed all the patients she would see that day with her head nurse Janet, noting that she had a brand new patient named Michael Sanchez, age 11, as the last patient of the morning. “Why does his name sound familiar?” Dr. Harris asked Janet. “You had his dad as a new patient a couple of months ago,” Janet replied. Then with a giggle Janet added,”

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3 Women

Some time ago my girlfriend at the time invited two of her girlfriends to come and stay for a couple of weeks, they were both very attractive. I was in panty, bra, slip, and nylon heaven, they left their underwear lying on the bedroom floor, in the bathroom, everywhere, the scent of their panties was unbelievable, my girlfriend knew and went along with my panty likes, and every night she would ask me what I had seen, I told her that I had sniffed and licked the gussets, held their

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A Hot Ride with My Mother-In-Law

My mother-in-law had bought a new house and had asked me one day to go with her to the local home center to pick out some fixtures. While we were there, she went to go use the bathroom but came back out quickly saying that it smelled so bad in there and would wait until she got home. On the drive home, we got stuck in some traffic and after a while of just sitting there I could tell she was starting to squirm a little. I didn’t want to say

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A Holiday at Cousin Clare’s

As a teenager I always used to spend about ten days each year with Cousin Clare and her parents.  Clare wasn’t actually my cousin, but her mother and my mother were at school together, and it was a convenient way to refer to her.  Clare was an only child.  At the time of the following exciting adventure we were sixteen, but I was a few months older than she was. Clare’s parents had plenty of money. They lived in a large house in rural Berkshire and Clare went to a private school, girls only, a

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A Helping Hand

I was between jobs, living with my mother at her seniors apartment complex. That preceding statement was every bit as depressing as it sounds. I was in my late thirties, not exactly a party monster, but I did like to keep up a somewhat active social life, including occasional casual sex. That was damn near impossible living with my seventy year-old mother in an apartment complex that looked like a nursing home. Particularly since I was scraping by on my savings and unemployment compensation, and I knew that it took

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A Good Little Boy for Mrs. Marwood

  It was a regular Tuesday morning and Timmy Lovell awoke to the sound of Harriet readying things in the bathroom while humming to herself.  He felt a shiver travelling down through his spine at the thought of the morning proceedings he would have to endure, and yet his penis was rapidly engorging, pressing firmly against the soft fabric of the cloth nappy she made him wear at night. Although Timmy was almost thirteen now, his foster mother still kept him on a strict hygienic regimen with very little consideration for the poor boy’s modesty.

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A Furtive Intrusion

*** The young boy, seemingly too young to be sexually active, steals into his mother’s room late at night. After he thinks he has sedated her with a sleeping pills, he ties her to the bed while he mistakenly thinks she’s sleeping. Mom is surprised and shocked, both by her boy’s actions and by her instant arousal. Things quickly become confused and get out of hand. *** He had drugged her lightly with a mild sedative added to her cup of tea that night, so he had

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After School Helper

PART ONE I had always been interested in the sciences during my schooling and at times I nurtured visions of myself as a great physicist, in the mould of Isaac Newton, Maxwell or Faraday. Of course I was interested in Biology but it seemed to be a branch of Science of more interest to the girls. I was somewhat surprised therefore, when one afternoon, just as I was pushing my bike to the school gates, Miss Griffith the Biology teacher stopped her mini and asked me if I would like to help

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Afternoon Delight

 I was still in a haze from a nice afternoon nap on the couch when I thought I felt something tickling my ear. As I awoke further, it turned out to be my girlfriend Nancy sitting on the edge of the couch, her tongue gently licking all over my ear. Fully awake now, I realized I had a raging erection due to her hand in my shorts, which was slowly caressing my shaft and balls. “I’ve missed you and it feels like you missed me”, she whispered as she breathed lightly  into my ear. Nancy

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Afternoon at my Mother in Law’s

I am a 40 year old UK male who since my teens has been a lover of ladies underwear. Like most of your readers I started with my mother’s lingerie, borrowing panties and bras to wear, feel, touch, smell and to come over as I lay in my bed. As I grew older and began relationships with girls my love of lingerie increased and I have indulged in many of my panty and lingerie fantasies over the years, stories that I will share with you in the future. Last year after the death of my father in law, my mother

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A Friendly Neighbor Offered Me the Use of Her Shower

I lived in an apartment complex with a friendly, older, neighbor lady a few doors down from me. She always had a cheery smile and hello for me when we’d see each other, usually at the mailbox. We never really talked much up until this. But she got to know me very well. I had a leak in the shower of my one and only bathroom, and the management was in the process of repairing it. The leak was fixed but there was a big hole, exposing the plumbing. It wasn’t planned on

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A Few Days with Aunt Jen

*** My parents go on a 6 week holiday while I stay with my sexy aunt June. I find it easy to hypnotize her to get what I want from her. (m/F, inc, 1st, nc, ws, mc) *** PART 1 My parents are leaving in 2 days on a month cruise and a 2 week land tour of Asia but due to a run in I had with a fucking cop I can’t get a passport so I am going to stay with my aunt

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Adventures with Sister’s Babydoll Nylon Panties

Adventures with Sister’s Babydoll Nylon Panties I was about 14 or 15 years of age and regularly jacking off nearly every other night, into various cotton handkerchiefs and old discarded undies (mostly my old cotton full jocks). Nothing spectacular, but better than beating into a boring fist (at least I’d evolved from wanking in my PJ bottoms by humping my pillow in bed at night). Certainly my masturbation-life could do with a lift. Then one day, my sister Kim, who still shared my room (partitioned off, but the same room nonetheless), had

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Adventures in Shopping

Hi Sonia,  It’s been a long time since we sent you anything, but the other night when Buckhorn and I went shopping, with his permission I let myself have alittle too much fun.  We had stopped for a drink at this local after-work-bar and then I told him I’d really like to find a new coat for the upcoming cold weather. We went to the largest mall in our town and he soon had headed for the arcade and other stores he likes. I had gone to about four stores and had decided

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Adventures in Panties and Dresses

When I was eleven, I was the toughest kid in the neighborhood.  The one who came home with black eyes (but who gave more black eyes than he got), the one who was always ready for a fight, a real scrapper. What nobody knew was that this young neighborhood tough liked to wear girls’ panties. It had started one afternoon when my sister asked me to get a handkerchief out of her dresser, and while I was looking for the handkerchief, I opened her lingerie drawer by mistake. I was ready

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Adventures in Medical Fem-Dom

The following story represents my experiences last winter with the women of the medical professions. Names have been changed to protect the not so innocent, but the substance of this account is true (or is it?). Due to a couple of ruptured disks in my back, I spent most of last winter in extreme pain and was dosed up on every pain killer available plus muscle relaxants due to spasms in my back. Over the course of 6 months I was poked, prodded, and generally handled by a series of Nurses, Female Doctors, x-ray Techs,

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Adult Motel

The following is a true story.  The experiences described happened just as I will relate them.  Thisoccurred seven or eight years ago.  At the time my wife would have been early 40 something.  She is a petite woman of 5′ 1″, about 120 lbs, dark hair and brown eyes.  She is curvy and cuddly.  Not aplaymate but attractive in a classy way.  I will call her Jan in this story. Sexually Jan has always been a passionate woman who likes sex.  We have been married 20 years now and she has never lost interest.  To the

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A Couple That Plays Together Stays Together

*** Their sex life is almost non-existent, at least he thinks so. So she turns up the heat a little. (MF, exh, role-play) *** Maura burst into tears and grabbed her pocketbook and dashed off to the ladies room. For about the millionth time. So much for this night. And this marriage. We’d had a decent run as husband and wife. Most marriages founder on the same rocks – bad communications, children, outside interference, money, sex, bad communications, ridiculous expectations about money or sex, bad communications,

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A Clean Movie

“Did you make the list little Chris?” “Yes, its right here.” “I better check and make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. You did remember to write maxi pads and laundry soap on the list didnt you?” asked little Chris’s Governess with a wicked look in her eye. Little Chris knew how much she liked to make him buy her maxi pads. Even writting it on the list made him blush and feel very uncomfortable. “Drink your milk like a good little boy while I look at your list.” She swatted his bottom on her way to

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Accidentally Caught

In my early pubescent years, in the 1960s, I got fascinated by sneaking peeks up my gran’s dress whenever I had chance. It was an irresistable question – what was she wearing today? Was it her big pink bloomers that covered half her thighs, or was it a standard pair of white knickers – what we would now call full briefs – with their tight, white gusset and allowing a view of her girdle with stout suspenders holding up her stockings? To give myself the maximum opportunities, I used to visit gran regularly

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Accidental Flash

My wife is very good looking but somewhat private about showing herself to others. She is 5’4″, 130lbs, 38d and they are still firm after two kids. The other day we went to the grocery store without the kids. She just threw on some jeans and kept her cropped sweatshirt on. She didn’t bother to put a bra on. While we were in the store, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her boobs. We finally stopped in an isle where no one was and I just had to feel and see

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A Boy’s Erotic Education

I have since recovered from my earlier submissiveness and, in fact, assumed the opposite role to some extent. But I have never forgotten my earlier years and the education I received from my aunt’s friend, Nurse Adrian. It was because of Adrian that I learned the wonders of a woman’s body and, moreover, the appreciation for the exquisite pleasure that flows forth from a woman’s favor. By first education of submissiveness and obedience to the female who dominated my earliest sexual experience I learned valuable lessons that would stand me in good stead for the

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A Boy Helps His Grandmother Install a New Hot Tub in Her Backyard

My grandfather died when I was teen, and my grandmother never remarried. I had always wondered why, and sometimes I wondered if she dated. She would come over, and I used to wonder what she looked like naked, if her body was still in good enough shape for a man to be interested. She wasn’t bad looking at all. She had dark, jet-black hair, and I figured the color came from a bottle. Hell, I didn’t care. A person of 59 has to do what they have to do in order to

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A Bike Ride with My Mom

When I went off the college, my parents both went through a sort-of mid-life crisis. I was the youngest of three kids so when they found themselves with an empty house, it invigorated them and they both found new activities to go along with their busy jobs. My sisters and I often commented on how they were both more fit and seemed happy all the time. I’m 23 now, out of school and living out of state. Last summer, my parents paid for us kids to join them for a

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A 50’s Experience

My birth parents were killed in a tragic accident when I was only one. My father’s sister Irene and her husband Jimmie took me in (they didn’t bother with the adoption thing) as their own. Just over a year later, Uncle Jimmie died at Omaha Beach. It made him some sort of local hero and aunt Irene never remarried. We lived in a small town outside a larger Midwest “city” where aunt Irene worked in an accounting firm. During the days when I was small, I spent my time at my grandparents house and

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A 14yr Old Boy’s Experience with Mum’s Friends Silky Knickers (1970’s)

One of the fantastic experiences with silky nylon knickers was when I was 14. I had stayed on a Friday night at my at my mother’s friends house. Our whole family had been put up with friends and neighbors when our bungalow had been flooded and was uninhabitable. My mum’s friend Connie was a big redhead widow around late 30’s. On the Saturday morning I went to the bathroom to wash. I locked the bathroom door for privacy. I was greeted by a laundry basket with no lid and right on

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I had just started college in 1969 in a downtown area, and got a part time job for spending money. I worked in an office of about 30 people near school. While there were lots of women wearing short skirts around the area, there were 2 women working in the office who often dressed quite provocatively, Erica and Cara. Cara looked to be about 30 years old, about 5’5”, 125 pounds, with a generous bust and nice legs. She wore skirts that were on the short side. I couldn’t see her

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12th Birthday Medical Exam (part 2)

In our first story, 12 year old Kyle Roberts received his first testicle exam and his Doctor Marcy Harris advised his mom Kate to do a periodic exam of her own. It was now late summer and Kyle came home from spending the afternoon at a friend’s swimming, found his mom in the kitchen, and told her that he was not feeling well. Kate felt her son’s forehead. “Wow you feel quite warm Kyle!” she exclaimed. “I am going to get the scanner thermometer.” Kate returned with the scanner thermometer, zapped the boy’s forehead, “103.5 Kyle, up to your room

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12th Birthday Medical Exam (part 1)

Kyle Roberts turned 12 years old on a fine summer day and his mom Kate reminded him that he had an appointment for his annual check-up that morning and then the family would go out to dinner at his favorite pizza restaurant that evening. Kyle was looking forward to the day and actually liked his family practice Doctor, Marcy Harris. As had always been the routine the past several years, Dr. Harris examined the boy while he kept his briefs on. Kyle always liked that she addressed him directly

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My Early Experiences with Full Silky Nylon Slips

As a small boy my mother ran a catalog. Her friends and my aunts would order dresses and skirts from time to time and when things arrived they would come round to our house during the day (all housewives) to try them on for fitting. Being only 4yrs at the time it seemed that my presence didn’t matter when the women got undressed in front of me. I was regularly treated to seeing the women in their full slips. Unknown to them I had acquainted my little circumcised penis with my mother’s

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Tina’s Panties

I was reading your stories and I thought back to my first panty snatch. I was 12. A neighborhood widow asked if I would paint her daughter’s and future son in law’s room prior to their wedding. Tina, her daughter, was a thin thing, almost 20, an older woman, to me. Each day when she came home from work, she would change her clothes and strip all the way down to her panties, leaving them over the edge of the bathtub. Each day I would wait until she came home to use the can, just to get a whiff. One

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